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Nebraska Brotherhood Links . . .

churches of Christ in Nebraska A Listing of Nebraska Churches of Christ with Service times, contact names, etc.

Nebraska Youth Camp The Web Page for Nebraska Youth Camp near Kearney, Nebraska

York College This is a 4 year, Christian College located in York, Nebraska with an enrollment of over 500 students.

Brotherhood Links . . .

Church of Christ Directory A listing of churches of Christ in the United States which includes service times, contact names, etc.

churches of Christ World Wide A world wide listing of churches of Christ, ministries, colleges, publications, etc.


Listing of these sites on our web page does not necessarily mean we endorse all the views that may be represented on these sites. This list is meant to be a service to our viewers.

Plattsmouth Church of Christ
520 Chicago Ave
P.O. Box 68
Plattsmouth, NE 68048