Sermon: Jesus, a different kind of hero
Summary: Because Christ is a different and better kind of priest, and we are his priesthood, we need to follow his leadership and example, especially in his prayer of relinquishment in the face of extreme difficulty. When we humble ourselves in obedience as Christ did, then God will lift us up.
Know: Christ is our example not only in moral behavior, but especially in his obedience and suffering, which is normative not abnormal for Christianity in this world.
Feel: Strengthened by Christ's example, knowing you are not abandoned by God
Do: Discuss, compare, and contrast Jesus as High Priest with other High Priests and what role temptation, suffering, and learning played in the ministry of Christ. Discuss ways this is an example for Christians and identify specific ways this is an example personally for us and the challenges that exist in applying this message
Text: Heb 5:1-9
Scripture Reading: Col 2:5-10
Intro: 1. Remember when young dressing up like Superman a. People have heroes and models they look up to and want to emulate b. When you get older, moves from make-believe to someone real, maybe an athlete, singer, or other celebrity c. Maybe dress in their style, do hair same way, hang on their every word d. In many High School Yearbooks, have question - "Who is your hero?"
Or "Who inspires" or
"motivates" you? - Sometimes a celebrity, but usually it is a teacher, parent, friend, mentor, neighbor, community leader - Once in awhile, someone will put - "Jesus" 2. You know, Jesus is not unlike many other heros a. He if full of power, could use brute force, but chose not too b. Jesus does motivate, inspire, and move people to better things c. Book of Hebrews is all about Jesus 3. Review of Hebrews so far a. He is God's final word b. He is God, he is dependable and does not change c. He shared in our flesh and blood, our humanity d. This necessary for him to become a merciful and faithful High Priest 4. Text begins to expand on this in chapter five (Heb 5:1-9) a. Several possible lessons to draw out of this passage b. But I will follow the purpose of the book - to encourage/motivate c. So, will look at how Jesus a High Priest, and how he is our example as priests - We must look to him in all things
I. He is a better High PriestA. He is "the" High Priest, superior to all others B. Text compares and contrasts High Priesthood of Christ with Aaron's 1. Text reminds us of features of High Priests a. Had to be a man - selected from among men b. Appointed/called by God to represent men to God - A person couldn't just decided to be High Priest - He had to be appointed by God from among men c. Merciful - Can deal gently with ignorant & misguided - Beset with weaknesses himself - He is human just like the others d. Then he can act as bridge between men and God 2. Text then expands on High Priesthood of Jesus a. Jesus was selected from among men - This is why he had to become flesh/human - Could not be a High Priest if he was not b. Jesus was called by God to be High Priest - Jesus didn't take the honor on himself - God called Jesus to be High Priest c. Learned obedience through suffering - Context is talking about his Passion - Prayed in the garden with loud crying and tears - Suffered and was tempted to not go through with it d. Made perfect, became source of salvation to all who obey - Does not mean he sinned - 4:15 says he without sin - "Teleioo" - To make perfect, complete, to finish, accomplish, bring to maturity, to fulfill - Jesus made complete as a High Priest - through becoming flesh, suffering, learning obedience 3. Jesus suffered human suffering, experienced human temptation a. As a human, he had to rely on faith - 1 Pet 2:23 - When suffer and reviled, had to "entrust" himself to one who judges righteously - Jesus had to have faith, to trust God b. So he had to do a human thing, pray to God and trust - Heb 5 said he prayed with loud crying and tears - He was heard because of his piety, his submission c. Remember what he prayed? Not my will but yours d. Jesus learned obedience, relinquish his will to God 4. Do you see how important doctrine of incarnation of Christ is? a. If not become flesh, could not become High Priest b. Could not have suffered and died for us c. Could not have been raised from the dead d. We will be in sin and death C. ILL: Few years ago, we went to a Church Planting lab in Dallas 1. There were three labs a. First was designed for introspection b. Second was theology lab - Started with metaphor of theology is like a rudder - Need to have sound, biblical theological foundation c. Third was a nuts and bolts lab, which we didn't attend 2. Remember hypothetical situation in our small group at the lab a. What if someone not believe in divinity of Christ - He believe Jesus die for sins, and is son of God - But not believe Jesus is God
Would you baptize that person? - Several said they didn't know - Several of us said "NO" we would not c. Launched us into discussion of doctrine of Christ d. Pointed out that some things clearly are heresy - Early church recognize heresy on teaching of Christ - Strong words in the Bible and in centuries following on the doctrine of Christ - He is God AND he became flesh 3. Bible is clear on this a. Heb 1 - Jesus is God, he is divine b. Heb 2 - He shared in flesh and blood, became human c. Heb 4 - Became a merciful and faithful High Priest d. 1 Jn 7 - Teach wrong about Christ, deceiver & anti-Christ 4. Would you baptize an anti-Christ? No, of course not. D. Jesus is High Priest because he is fully God and fully human 1. As a man, he was tempted to disobey, but did not give in 2. Relied on faith, on prayer, and strengthen by God 3. Made perfect/complete by faithfully enduring and learning obedience 4. Able to pray prayer of relinquishment - became High Priest
II. We are his priesthoodA. All Christians are priests and Christ is High Priest B. Some people refer to this as doctrine of priesthood of all believers 1. Originally God set apart a group/tribe as a priesthood a. Officiated at the altar, conducted worship b. Served in the temple, caretaker of it c. Taught the people about God, how to serve and worship 2. Now we Christians are all priests in Christ a. Heb 10:19 - We ALL can enter holy place by his blood b. (1 Pet 2:4-9) - We are his priesthood - v.5 - We offer up spiritual sacrifices - v.9 - We proclaim his excellencies 3. We are priests and perform the function of priests a. One of worship b. One of proclamation C. ILL: I remember seeing church bulletin years ago 1. On the front, had staff on the left column a. Listed elders, deacons, secretary, preacher b. Then it said, "Minister: every Christian" 2. That made an impression on me a. Emphasize that we all have a ministry function b. Every part of the body has a place 3. Could put "Priests: Everyone" and "High Priest: Jesus Christ D. Since he is our divine/human High Priest, he is also our example
III. We need to follow his exampleA. He didn't come just to save us, but also to provide an example B. Jesus wants not only our salvation, but our transformation as well 1. In Heb. 5, we see his example of learning obedience a. He was able to say, not my will but yours b. This is the type of life we are to have c. If we are his disciples, we model our life after him 2. This means the Gospel is not just a gift, but also a model a. Death, burial, and resurrection sets the pattern for life b. We die to self, are buried with Christ, a raise a new life c. Many examples in scripture - Gal 2:20 - I am crucified with Christ - Col 2:20 - We died with Christ - Col 3:1 - Raised up with Christ, transformed life 3. (Phil 2:5-8) - Most explicit passage about Gospel as model a. Suffered the shame and pain of the cross - Do you realize how shameful/humiliating a cross is? = We execute criminals with dignity = Not so with crucifixion - Obedient to the point of death on a cross - Pour self out, not my will but yours b. (v.9-11) - God raised him up - Jesus defeated the enemy, sin and death - Jesus will reign over all in his eternal kingdom c. (v.5) - Look, this is our example! - We also are to pour ourselves out - Obedient to death, even a humiliating one 4. Do you see what this means for us? a. We are to be obedient to the point of death - Like Jesus b. We to pour selves out, not my will but yours - Like Jesus c. No task is beneath us, bondservants - Like Jesus d. Whatever the Lord wants us to do, we will do it = Even if it is humiliating = Even if it hurts = Like the song, "None of Self and All of Thee" C. ILL: I remember reading about the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. 1. One of early church councils, first was Jerusalem in Acts 15 2. Background on Council of Nicea a. 323 A.D. - Constantine ended persecution of Christians b. Church faced Arian heresy, Arius taught Jesus not eternal, that he was not God c. Constantine requested council on the matter 325 AD d. Council affirmed biblical doctrine on deity of Christ 3. According to ancient historian Eusebius, it quite a sight a. Over 300 church elders meeting openly b. All but about 12 of them had permanent injuries - Some had only one eye - Some had a limp, missing fingers, scars c. These all were results of Christian persecution d. Most had family, friends, congregation members killed 4. Those were literally battle-worn warriors of the faith a. They followed Christ's example even in persecution b. Like the brethren in Acts, they likely considered it an honor to suffer for the name of Christ D. Christ is a model for us 1. Don't disdain difficulty that comes from being a Christian a. If my Lord did it, so can I b. I am not better than my Lord that I don't have to c. It is an honor to be considered worthy to follow him 2. Think about what he did, and follow his example a. Treated people with dignity and compassion b. Stood for those who were treated unjustly c. Fed the hungry, cared for the sick and the downcast d. Proclaimed the good news of the Kingdom 3. What if face resistance in doing these things in name of Christ? a. Do them anyway b. We obey God rather than men c. Remember, Jesus said world would hate you because world hates him 4. When we humble self, pour self out, obedient, God will lift us up a. We will be raised up with Christ b. Bible says we will reign with him forever
Concl: 1. Jesus is our High Priest and our Example 2. Jesus is our hero, but different kind of hero, a better one a. He does not wear a cape, but he does have a towel to wash feet b. Does not wear flashy uniform, but is clothed in humble compassion, kindness, and holiness c. Does not beat up the bad guys (would be just in doing do), but transforms them from the inside out 3. Turn to Jesus, follow him a. If not made him Lord of your Life, then do so today (inv) b. If done this, remember he is our example in all things 4. What part of your life have you yet to let Jesus rule? a. The way you do your job is ungodly? Conduct at school? b. Have a boyfriend or girlfriend, doing ungodly things together? c. Language? Money habits? Resentment toward someone? d. Time to let Christ take control. He is your example.
Small Group Notes: Jesus, a different kind of hero
Summary: Because Christ is a different and better kind of priest, and we are his priesthood, we need to follow his leadership and example, especially in his prayer of relinquishment in the face of extreme difficulty. When we humble ourselves in obedience as Christ did, then God will lift us up.
Open: - Who/what did you used to imitate or look up to as a child?
Explore: Heb 5:1-9; Col 2:5-10
1. What are the characteristics of a High Priest according to this text? How does this compare to the High Priesthood of Christ?
2. What was Jesus able to do by becoming human that he would not have been able to do otherwise? What does this say about the importance of the doctrine of Christ?
3. Discuss ways Jesus had to "learn" obedience. How "human" does this suggest Jesus was?
4. In what was is this an example for Christians? What would it mean for Christians to "pour out" themselves for God?
5. Since Christ is our example, list the sorts of things he did and the type of person he was. How can you personally and specifically follow his example?
6. In what areas do you find the greatest challenge in following the example of Christ? Why?
7. What is the greatest area in your life that needs to conform to the example of Christ? What is the first step you need to take to be more Christ like in this area?
Prayer: |