Sermon:  Resurrection of Christ (pt 2)

Summary:  After his resurrection, the glorified Christ fulfills his promise of sending 
the Holy Spirit, which enables his continuing spiritual presence with us, which is 
superior to knowing him according to the flesh.  This empowers us with his promised 
peace and the ability to carry out his mission as he did.

Know:  Jesus rose from the grave and gave the Spirit to empower us with his peace and 
his mission

Feel:  Peaceful confidence from the presence of Christ to carry out his mission

Do:  Reflect on what it means to have the Spirit of God in us, and how it affects us in 
daily life, how we see ourselves and our purpose.  Identify ways the Spirit empowers us 
to please God and commit to them.

Text:  John 20:11-23

Scripture Reading:  John 16:5-7

1.  Stories of actually being there
2.  Wouldn't you have loved to have been there with Jesus 2000 years ago?
	a.  To grow up with him, to observe him personally, 
	b.  Wouldn't it be great to say in future years, "I knew him personally"
	c.  Wouldn't this be a much better way to know Jesus?
3.  No biblical author reminisces in this way
	a.  Peter, John or James the brother of Jesus never reminisces
	b.  In Acts or their epistles, they are silent about "human interest" stories
		- Expect Peter to talk about personal experience, walk on water
		- Expect John to talk about what it was like to be beloved disciple?
		- Expect James the brother of Jesus write about Jesus growing up
		- Expect to say, "I was there when he raised Lazarus"
	c.  No stories of how tall he was, what he looked like, what kind of clothes 
	     he liked, how long his beard was, etc.
	d.  Why none of this sort of thing?
4.  Hints
	a.  (Jn 20:11-18) - When Mary saw the glorified Christ
		- Some translations say, "do not touch me" 
		- Better translated, "Do not cling/hold on to me"
		- Why did Mary need to let Jesus go?  So he could ascend
	b.  Why did Jesus need to ascend and go to the Father?
	c.  So Jesus could fulfill the promises he made
	d.  Begin to see fulfillment in this text (Jn 20:19-23)

I.  The promise of the Spirit
	A. (Jn 16:7) - Jesus promised to send the Spirit, called the helper
		1.  It to their advantage if he went away, then Spirit would come
		2.  Jn 20:22 - Jesus breathes on them, receive the Holy Spirit
		3.  Parenthesis - Difficulty -   John is the last Gospel written
			a.  John assumes audience read the other Gospels - Often 
			    alludes to events, as though reader already familiar
			b.  Doesn't explain how this is different from Luke/Acts 
				- If this is the reception of the Spirit, then what did 
				  they receive in Acts 1-2?
			c.  Many explanations
				- Holy Spirit not given here, only a token gesture of 
				  the Spirit to be received in Acts
				- This is the indwelling of the Spirit, Acts is the 
				   empowerment of the Spirit
				- Many other theories…
			d.  But John doesn't try to explain, not focused on this, but 
			     on Jesus fulfilling the promises he made earlier
		4.  Jesus made a promise of the Spirit, and now fulfills that promise
	B.  Why is this significant?
		1.  (Jn 14:16-20) - Jesus would not leave them as orphans
			a.  He would send "another" helper
				- This implies that they have a helper
				- Jesus is the first helper, the Spirit is "another" helper
			b.  v.17 - The Spirit will be with and "in" us
				- If you are a Christian, the Spirit lives "in" you 
			c.  v.20 - We will be "in" Christ, and Christ will be "in" us
		2.  In other words, the Spirit is in us, Jesus is in us
			a.  We are not left as orphans
			b.  Mt 28:20 - Jesus said, "I am with you always, even to the 
			     end of the age" 
			c.  As the Spirit is present with us and in us, so is Christ
		3.  Puts perspective on this passage - (2 Cor 5:16-17)
			a.  Knowledge of Christ is no longer according to the flesh
				- Jesus rose from the grave
				- Jesus ascended to God
				- Jesus gave the promised Holy Spirit
			b.  Result - Jesus is with ALL his followers everywhere all 
				  the time
				- Not possible according to the flesh
				- But Jesus ascended and sent another helper
				- His presence now goes with all believers 
			c.  Knowing Jesus according to the flesh was inferior  
				- Was Jesus ben Joseph of Nazareth, the carpenter
				- After resurrection, was the glorified Christ, is Lord
				- The glorified Christ is in his church everywhere
				- Indeed all things are new in Christ
			d.  No wonder those who knew him according to the flesh did 
			     not get stuck on this
				- Far superior to know him as the glorified, risen Lord
				- Better to have Spirit of Christ rather than flesh of 
		4.  God wants Christ to be formed in us 
			a.  Gal 4:16 - Paul labored among new Christians until Christ 
			      was formed in them
				-  Rom 8:29 - Predestined believers to be conformed 
				   to the image of Christ
				-  Rom 8:25 - Spirit helps us in our weaknesses
			b.  Tit 3:5 - The Spirit "renews" us
			c.  Jn 3:5 - This transformation/renewal is so different and 
			     new, Jesus refers to it as being "born again"
				- Must be born again
				- Explains this is being born of water and Spirit
			d.  Rather than knowing him according to the flesh, he can 
			     now live in us and us in him, and we are transformed
	C.  ILL:  Dwight Moody once spoke to a large audience
		1.  Held up a jar, asked, "How can I get all the air out?"
			a.  Someone said, "suck all the air out
			b.  Answer - "Would create vacuum that crushes the glass"
		2.  Best way to do it is fill it with water - There, now all the air is out
		3.  Same way with the Christian life
			a.  Don't just suck out all the sin and hope for the best
			b.  But by being filled with the Holy Spirit
	D.  Jesus promised the Spirit would fill us generously
		1.  It would spring up to eternal life
		2.  It would become as rivers of living water
		3.  His presence would be with us generously, greater than before
		4.  **Look at the result of the Spirit and Christ in us…

II.  The promise of peace
	A.  (Jn 14:26-27) - Jesus promised to go away and give him his peace
		1.  Not peace as the world gives
		2.  World doesn't give peace, it can't
			a.  Society of International Law says that in the last 4,000 
			     years, have only been 268 years of peace
			b.  286 wars in Europe over the last 200 years
			c.  There is no peace in the world
		3.  The only peace is the peace that Jesus promises
	B.  John 20:21 - Jesus in upper room says "peace be with you" 
		1.  Seems to be more than just a greeting.  How do I know?
			a.  Jn 14:26 & Jn 20:21 - both connect peace with the Spirit
			b.  Gal 5:22 - Part of fruit of the Spirit is peace
		2.  At this point, the doors are shut, they are afraid, hiding
			a.  Jesus said the world would hate them
			b.  World would make the outcasts
			c.  World would kill them
		3.  But, they will wind up speaking boldly about the resurrection
			a.  Even when their lives are threatened
			b.  Nearly all Apostles died violent deaths in persecution
			c.  Due to the peace of Christ, it did not deter them
		4.  Jn 16:33 - In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I 
		     have overcome the world
			a.  His resurrection demonstrates this victory
			b.  Death only brings us closer to God
	C.  ILL:  Changes how you picture the peace of Christ
		1.  We used to watch our kids when babies sleeping at night
			a.  They might tear the place up during the day
			b.  One was a dare-devil, climb trees, muddy.
			c.  At night - sleeping baby -- picture of peace
		2.  Jesus offers another picture
			a.  Not a sleeping baby, but a sleeping Jesus
	.		b.  Jesus is asleep in a boat in a storm! - That is peace
		3.  That is the kind of peace Jesus is talking about 
	D.  Peace that Jesus gives is not the absence of trouble
		1.  His peace is the confidence of knowing he is with you always
		2.  Reflect on the power/fruit of peace 
		3.  **Look at the result of the peace of Christ

III.  Ability to carry out Christ's mission
	A.  Jesus gives his followers a mission
		1.  Jesus does this when he grants the Spirit
		2.  (Jn 15:26-27) Similar idea
	B.  Exactly what does this mission entail?  (Jn 20:21-23)
		1.  Forgiving and retaining sins???  What does this mean???
			a.  Greek construction here is difficult to render in English
				- Whatever sins you forgive, they have already been 
				- Whatever sins you retain, they have already been 
				- Similar construction in Mt 16:19 - Whatever you bind 
				   on earth shall have been bound in Heaven
				- In other words, you will do what God has already 
					-- It is not arbitrary by your own authority
					-- It is acting in accordance with God's authority
			b.  Jesus provides the example for this in his own ministry
				- (Jn 12:47-50) - Jesus only says what God tells him 
					-- Therefore it is not he who judges
					-- It is the words that God gave him to say
					-- Lk 10:16 - Similar - If listen to disciples, they 
					    listen to Christ, if reject, they reject Christ & 
					    the one who sent him
				- (Jn 15:26-27) - Jesus promises the "helper," Spirit
					-- The Spirit will testify concerning Christ
					-- You also will testify concerning Christ
					-- We speak what the Spirit has determined
					-- We speak what God has already determined
			c.  So, we speak, say, and do what God has communicated
		2.  Being sent as Jesus was sent.  How do we do this?
			a.  Same manner as Christ - As Father sent me, I send you
				- Jesus is the example of what it means to be sent
				- How did God send Jesus?  (Jn 1:1-3, 14)
				- The word became flesh, lived among us
				- Jesus' whole life in the flesh became the message
			b.  Jesus was one with the Father
				- Did only what the Father does
				- Spoke only what the Father wanted him to
			c.  Same way with us
				- Through the Spirit, We are in him, he is in us
				- We do only what our Lord does
				- We speak only what he wants us to
			d.  We follow Christ and bear the message of Christ
				- Message of judgment for those who reject Christ
					-- He is the way, truth and life
					-- Salvation is found only in Christ
				- Message of grace and love for those who believe
					-- God so loved the world, gave his son
					-- Jesus died for your sins, rose from the grave
					-- He gives the Spirit, lives in us
					-- He will return and take us to his home
	C.  Means every Christian is a preacher.  What are your sermons like?
		1.  Longhorn sermons?
			a.  Like a Texas longhorn
			b.  A point here, and a point there
			c.  But a lot of bull in between
		2.  Brother once said - The best sermon is the one you see
			a.  You don't hear this sermon in the pulpit
			b.  You see it daily in the lives of faithful Christians
		3.  World does not need more sermons, but a message
			a.  Can go to school to learn to preach sermons
			b.  Have to go to the Lord in order to be a message
		4  Jesus was God's ultimate message
			a.  Could see God's message in his acts of compassion
				-  The way Jesus loved people
				-  The way Jesus put others before himself
			b.  Could hear it in his message of compassion
				-  Because his words were consistent with his life
			c.  ILL: His acts of compassion was like an amplifier
				- Without an amplifier, you cannot hear the message 
				- His acts of compassion enabled people to hear
	D.  Do you have an amplifier?
		1.  Doesn't come from speaking louder
		2.  Comes from following the example of Christ
		3.  Comes when your whole life is the message
		4.  Not just what you do, but who you are

1.  Yes, his resurrection is significant
2.  Jesus rose from the grave and gave gifts through his Spirit
	a.  He is present with us, his people, in a superior way from the flesh
	b.  Empowered us with his peace independent of worldly circumstance
	c.  Sent us as he was sent to continue God's mission of grace
3.  His mission is one of hope
	a.  Died for sins, rose from the grave
	b.  He lives with us, and he will take us home
	c.  Are you ready?  (inv)
4.  If you have already accepted him as Lord
	a.  He has empowered you with his Spirit and is with you
	b.  You have the peace of God
	c.  With the Spirit in you, you can continue his mission

Small Group Notes:  Resurrection of Christ (part 2)

Summary:  After his resurrection, the glorified Christ fulfills his promise of sending the 
Holy Spirit, which enables his continuing spiritual presence with us, which is superior to 
knowing him according to the flesh.  This empowers us with his promised peace and the ability 
to carry out his mission as he did.

- What was the most difficult promise for you to keep?

Explore:  (John 20:11-23)

1.  Why was it important for Mary not to cling to Jesus, but to let him go? (may also look at - 
Jn 16:7; 2 Cor 5:16-17)

2.  In what ways is Jesus "according to the flesh" inferior to the glorified Christ who ascends 
to the Father?  

3.  What promises does Jesus fulfill in this passage?  Why are they significant?

4.  Why do you suppose Jesus "breathed" on his disciples?  (May also look at Gen 2:7, or Ezek 37:5f)

5.  Describe the manner in which Jesus commissions his disciples here.  In what ways is Jesus the 
example for them?


6.  What is your reaction to Jesus' promise of giving you the Spirit?  How should his Spirit in you 
affect your life every day?

7.  What are some the commission Jesus gives take shape in your daily life?  On your job?  Among 
family and friends?  At school?  etc.?  What do you find most challenging?

8.  What is God calling you to do?
