Sermon: Your Vocation Summary: God has called us together into one body, which redefines all our relationships, including relationships with those whom we work for and who work for us. We are all called as slaves of Christ, which means we need to serve our masters with obedient respect and sincerity in a spirit of good will, and our masters need to treat those under them with grace and good will. The reason is that all of our work is now done for Christ, not self or another person. Know: Our "calling" redefines the work that we do as Christian service done to please Christ Feel: A desire for pleasing God through doing a good job in my sphere of work Do: Evaluate your attitudes toward your work and those you work with. Identify ways God recharacterizes your work and work relationships when you become a Christian, and how it serves Christ and serves as a witness to him. Text: Eph 6:5-9 (1 Pet 2:18-25) Scripture Reading: 2 Thess 1:11 Intro: 1. What is your reaction to the word, "slave?" a. Often evokes an emotional response, repulsive - May think of the chores you have to do around the house - May think of how your boss lays all his dirty work on you. - May think of the time where slavery still was common in society b. Does God have anything to say about slavery? Yes - Today's text is difficult for some people - Slavery is foreign to our experience - Our understanding of it grows out of 19th century slavery - Abuses often happen when there are slaves c. First century view of slavery in Greco-Roman culture - Unlike Egypt, there was not a slave "class" - Slaves present in all strata of society except the top - As many as 1/3 in Greco Roman world were slaves - Slaves sometimes more educated than their masters - Considered economic necessity, most accepted without question - Sometimes they were paid, and could buy their freedom - Some were treated well, others were mistreated 2. Text: Eph 6:5-9 a. On the surface, this seems to uphold slavery - Some find this an embarrassment - Does the Bible condone slavery? No. It regulates it b. Under the surface, this text is extremely subversive - More subversive than an abolitionist movement - God redefines everything about slavery, new master is Christ - He subverts the earthly concept of slavery by going under the surface of it, now all are "equal" in Christ c. (1 Pet 2:18-21) - Go to this passage for a key word: "Calling" - When you hear the word "calling," usually think of church work - Bible uses it for the totality of what you do, including your job - Old word, "vocation" from Latin, meaning "calling" 3. All of Ephesians is about our "calling" a. Called out of the world into his body. Transformed by his Spirit b. That makes us ALL "slaves" of Christ, he is our master - Wives submissive as to the Lord, husband love as Christ - Children obey parents in the Lord, parents nurture - Slaves obedient as to Christ - In all this recognize we are ALL Christ's slaves c. This transforms our relationships and our work, it is all for him d. Our job goes from being a job/career to a "vocation" 4. The application to our work, whether as a slave or employee is the same Instructions for Employees: I. Be Obedient to your Boss A. 4 out of 5 verses directed at slaves 1. Opposite for the instructions for husbands, which are longer 2. Having found freedom in Christ, some might be tempted to rebel 3. God does not intend for us to be zealots a. Jesus didn't establish his kingdom through force b. Jesus kingdom is established through changed hearts 4. Slaves are to be obedient as to Christ B. “But you don’t know my boss...” Notice what he did not say: 1. Obey your boss only if he is a good Christian 2. Obey your boss only if you think he is reasonable 3. Obey your boss only if he respects you 4. I Peter 2:18-20 - Obey even when unreasonable C. ILL: Used to work at the Base Exchange 1. Boss was a big German guy, scared me a little 2. Lam, a coworker used to ignore instructions a. He was told to clean the Bathroom b. He would look in, if he didn't think it didn't need to be done, he didn't c. He argumentative with the boss 3. He didn't last long there. They fired him 4. Rom 7 - All authority comes from God a. Governments and its officials authority comes from God b. When we are disobedient, we are disobedient to God c. On the other hand, when we serve well, we serve God D. Do I follow the instructions of my boss? 1. If so, then I am pleasing to God 2. If not, I am disobeying God II. Respect your Boss A. We are to obey with "fear and trembling" 1. This is an expression which denotes reverence and respect 2. Often used of our service to God 3. We need to render respect to bosses as to Christ B. Not being respectful obey destroys 2 things: 1. Destroys God's principles of authority and submission a. Have seen that there are certain roles God affirms b. Husband/wife, parent/children, master/slave c. God doesn't seek to overthrow, but redefine them 2. Destroys your Christian Witness a. Matt 5:14-16 - Let your light shine b. (Titus 2:7-10) - Urge slaves to "adorn" the doctrine - Adorn means to decorate, or make appealing - You can make the doctrine seem repulsive - Or can adorn it through subjection, respect, faithful c. How will he see God in your if you are a goof off or rebel? 3. Part of being a Christian witness means being a good employee a. Respectful, honest, dependable, faithful, doing a good job b. That speaks volumes about you, and your God C. ILL: We went to Belarus on a mission trip 1. Found at that bosses over there prefer Christians 2. Used to be, no one really did a good honest job 3. But Christians were trustworthy and did a good job 4. This is why so many in Russian countries are open to Christ D. What can you do to show respect for your boss and adorn the doctrine 1. Things not to do: a. Poking fun at him behind his back b. Trying to get others to see all his faults c. Complain about him/her behind his back 2. Things to do: a. Treat him/her respectfully, even call sir or maam b. Speak highly of him because of his position c. Disagree honestly, be straightforward and don't gossip III. Be trustworthy A. Not by way of eye service, as men-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ.... B. Trustworthiness requires these things 1. Realization that it is not just the boss, but GOD you are serving 2. Honesty 3. Integrity - Do not cut corners, do a good job C. ILL: I remember military inspections 1. Things changed, then went back to normal afterwards 2. One guy buffed floor every 15 minutes in case inspector came in 3. Don't want to just put on a show that has no substance 4. (Mt 21:28-31) - Jesus told story of 2 sons a. Father told son work in vineyard, said he would, but didn't b. Second son said he wouldn't but did c. First son "looked" good, but didn't do God's will d. Second son did God's will D. We need to conduct self with integrity 1. Want people to think - He is a Christian, he is trustworthy 2. Do a good job, don't just put on a show for the boss IV. Be Cheerful A. Text says to render service with good will B. Explanation 1. Do we render service to our employer with good will? 2. Do it as you are serving the Lord and not for men 3. You will be rewarded BY GOD, even if your employer never does C. ILL: Dad brought home the Army Corp Of Engineers newspaper 1. He was featured on the front page 2. They created the Chocolate Shake Award because of him 3. Dad always joked when asked to do something - Will do it for a Chocolate Shake 4. If do a good job at the Omaha Office, may get recognized with a "Chocolate Shake Award" D. Dad is always cheerful, not a negative bone in his body Instructions for Employers: I. Ditto for the Employers A. Treat your workers with respect and dignity 1. ILL: Heard about working for CBD, a Christian company a. Listen to employees, family friendly, good benefits b. Only 30 day waiting period for benefits c. No one ever quit, and they did good job 2. Doing this will demonstrate Christ in you B. Be trustworthy C. Be Cheerful, full of good will II. Serve with Christian Kindness A. Give up threatening B. Motivate in positive, Christ-like ways 1. Doesn't mean never be firm, but be genuine and kind 2. Praise and affirm employees, show your appreciation - Chocolate Shake Awards and other incentives 3. Be genuinely interested in those under you C. ILL: Best commander I had was Col. Clyde Gulick 1. First time I met him, knew my name and wife name 2. Knew all 200 men in the unit and wives names 3. Got the feeling he genuinely interested in you personally - Always at unit picnics and barbeques, etc. 4. People worked harder for him than anyone else D. A Christian employer will not mistreat his employees III. Serve with Christian Humility A. All of us have the same master 1. There is no partiality with God b. Neither Jew/Greek, Slave/Free -- Employer/Employee B. We all have the same God and the same hope Concl: 1. Your work is work to God, it is your "vocation" your "calling" 2. It is an opportunity to give witness to the Gospel which changes our life a. Are you ready to obey the Gospel b. (Invitation) 3. If you have, remember your calling a. Doesn't mean you have to go to jungles of Africa to serve God b. Your vocation, your "calling" is right here 4. For students and kids - Be godly, honest, respectful, obedient, trustworthy 5. For wives, employers, employees, the same - Walk worthy of your calling! ============================= Small Group Questions: Your Vocation Summary: God has called us together into one body, which redefines all our relationships, including relationships with those whom we work for and who work for us. We are all called as slaves of Christ, which means we need to serve our masters with obedient respect and sincerity in a spirit of good will, and our masters need to treat those under them with grace and good will. The reason is that all of our work is now done for Christ, not self or another person. Open: - What is the best job (or chore) you have even had, and what is the worst you have ever had? Explore: Eph 6:5-9, 1 Pet 2:18-25 1. Why should a slave be obedient to his master according to these passages? 2. How do you think a slave or slave master in the first century might have felt about or reacted to these instructions? 3. In what way does a believer's relationship to Christ affect how he is to conduct himself on the job according to these passages? What does a believer's "calling" have to do with his "secular" job. 4. How does these instructions fit in with the passages that leads up to it, especially in Eph 5:15-21? In what way is this wise, and it what way does it make the most of your time? Apply: 5. Evaluate your attitudes toward your work and those you work with. 6. Identify ways God recharacterizes your work and work relationships when you become a Christian, and how it serves Christ and serves as a witness. 7. What part of this lesson challenges you the most? What is God calling you to do tonight? Prayer 2 Thess 1:11