Small Group Questions:  Forever New

Summary:  Heaven is a place where all is made new, including a new rest, sustinence,
safety, and a new level of relationship with God.  The reason Heaven is so perfect is
because we will be fully in the presence of God.  Nothing on this earth compares to
Heaven where nothing will ever get old or wear out.  God wants everyone to have the
opportunity to go there and be with him.

Optional Ice Breakers
- What trip had you looked forward to making the most?
- What was the most enjoyable place you have ever been?


1.  What do these descriptions of the New Jerusalem, Heaven, communicate to you?
	a.  Rest from their labors (Rev 14:33; 22:3), Serving him
	b.  High thick wall (Rev 21:12, 17)
	c.  1500 mile cube (Rev 21:16)
	d.  Precious minerals and stones in abundance (Rev 21:18ff)
	e.  No night time (Rev. 21:25)
	f.  River of the water of life (Rev 22:1)
	g.  Tree of life (Rev 22:2)
	h.  No curse (Rev 22:3)

2.  How does this contrast to what we know about Hell?


3.  (2 Pet 3:11-13) - How should all of this change your perspective on life?

4.  What does it mean for you personally to “look for” or “hasten” the coming of the Day
of the Lord?   Do you look for it or want to hasten it?  Why or why not?

5.  How does all of this affect your relationship with your family and freinds?  

6.  Is there anything you need to change about your relationship with family and
friends?  Anything you need to say or do?

7.  What fears or reservations might you have about trying to help them be ready for the
coming of the Lord?  What is the source of these fears?  What would it take to
overcome them enough to prevent them from stopping you?

- Use 2 Peter 3:13 as a guide to your prayer
- Pray that you might be more sensitive to the Gospel and the lost condition of those
who haven’t obey the Gospel.