Sermon Title:  Creation and Relation

Move 1
1.  VBS Decorating - Sense of satisfaction, pause to just look at it
2.  God rested on 7th day, was it like that?
	a.  Obviously can’t compare - We create something similar
	b.  God created real living things and beings
3.  Each day, he “saw” that it was good
4.  Finally he saw that it was “very” good
	- What was “very” good?
	- What was his final creation?

Move 2
1.  The final creation was God’s masterpiece
	a.  Was it the man?
		-  Man was incomplete
		-  Man good at doing MAN things
			-- Shooting things
			-- Fixing things
			-- Moving big things around
	b.  Was it the woman?
		- Man not good to be alone
		- Woman good at doing woman things
			-- Stacey’s gone, can I get away with this?
			-- No, you’ll tell on me
		- Man incomplete without woman
2.  God saw it VERY good after final, crowing of his creation
	a.  God’s final creation was not the woman
	b.  (Gen 2:21-25)
	c.  God joined them together - ONE FLESH
3.  God created something new in ONE FLESH
	a.  No longer two, but one
	b.  God’s crowning creation is the two into one

Move 3
1.  God “rested” after creating this masterpiece
	a.  Not because tired
	b.  He just looking at it, admiring and enjoying his results
	c.  ILL:  Wax my mustang
		- Freinds notice I walk away looking back at it
		- Liked the way it looked
	d.  Can you relate to this “resting?”
		- Like carpenter taking pictures of work
		- Like when craft is completed
		- Like when paint car, or room
		- Like when you get new haircut - “this is me”
2.  (Rom 1:19-20) God’s attributes and character can been seen in his creation
3.  What can be seen in the creation of marriage?  Two into one?
	a.  God is a Jealous God
		- He is our husband, we his bride
		- He will not share us with anyone else
		- We are to be faithful to him, loyal
	b.  God is Relational God
		- God often describes his relation to us in terms of marriage
		- (Isa 62:1-5) - God delights in us like a bride
	c.  God is Loving  --  (1 John 4:7-11)
4.  Since God is relational and loving, what does that mean for us?

Move 4
1.  We are to be relational and loving
2.  (Ps 133) - When we live in Harmony, God delights in us
3.  We reflect his character
4.  We a lot better than cardboard Palm trees, or paper mache volcanos
	- When we live in Harmony with each other, we reflect his character

Move 5
1.  When we work together
	a.  Whether making volcanos, Palm trees
	b.  Sending out correspondence studies for prison ministry
	c.  Encourage, help and support each other
	d.  Go to cook outs
	e.  Do service work, benevolence, share Gospel
2.  When work together in harmony, God sees it is “very good”
3.  God delights in you