Title: The death of the Old SelfFocus: Since Baptism denotes an entry into a life changing relationship with Christ, the Bible likens it to a death and resurrection
Function: To motivate baptized believers to live a transformed life
Text: Rom 6:1-7; Col 2-3
Intro: 1. Some may know of Ira North - His funeral a celebration 2. All of us Christians have been through our own funeral when we were baptized 3. Review: a. Baptism as transfer into his account b. Baptism as a wedding c. Baptism as a New Birth 4. Now will look at baptism as Death 5. 2 Passages: Rom. 6 and Col 2:9 - 4:7 6. Baptism denotes death I. Baptism denotes Christ’s death (5:20 - 6:3) A. We are baptized into Christ, means we baptized into “his” death B. What does that mean? 1. Ezek 18:4 - Soul that sins must die 2. 2 Cor 5:21 - He made him who knew no sin to be sin 3. 1 Pet 3:18 - Died for sins, once f all, just for unjust, to bring us to God 4. 1 Cor 15:1-4 - Died for our sins C. How did he die for our sins? (Col 1:19-22) through fleshly body 1. Think of God as clothed in splendor and majesty 2. ILL: God put on a suit - A “human” suit 3. He bore the punishment for ALL sin in the body D. So, we are baptized into “his” death 1. His death becomes our death a. Soul that sins must die b. Jesus became sin and died c. Immersed into his death, it becomes our own 2. In other words, we receive the benefit of his death II. Baptism denotes our own death and resurrection (Rom 6:4-7) A. Baptism is connected to his death, burial and resurrection B. How is baptism connected to our death? 1. Old self is crucified - No longer slaves to sin 2. Walk in newness of life a. Titus 3:5 - Washing and Renewal b. Made a new person c. Spirit comes to make war with the flesh 3. Gal 5 - Walk by the Spirit, not carry out desire of flesh C. Know a person died, brought her back 1. Lots of problems - Had to learn many basic things again 2. Like a child 3. Personality change - Much more calm, and sweet D. That is what our death is like for us. III. Baptism denotes ressurection to renewed personality (Col 2:9-15) A. Colossians the best exposition on baptism B. Several things that happens at baptism: 1. Raised up through faith in working of God (Made alive) 2. Canceling of certificate of debt (forgiveness) a. All the sins on a massive citation b. You had a sopena to appear in court c. Jesus cancelled that debt at the cross 3. Disarmed the rulers and authorities at the cross a. Talking of evil powers b. Jesus bound strong man set the captives free C. What does the free, new life look like after baptism? 1. (Col 3:1-4) It is a new personality, new mind 2. (Col 3:5-11) Death to the old man 3. (Col 3:12-17) Resurrection to new man D. Specific applications? 1. (Col 3:18-21) - To families 2. (Col 3:22-4:1) - To work relationships 3. (Col 4:2-6) - Holy living Concl: 1. Baptism denotes death burial, resurrection, Christ’s and yours 2. Have you been baptized yet? 3. If so, have you been living the resurrected life?