Title: Of Slugs and Deafness
Purpose: To Motivate the Christians to Study the Bible daily and expect more than mediocre infantile faith!
- Tough in the morning, car is *sluggish*, we are sluggish
- Sort of like a "slug", they move very slooooow
- Already has given warnings to the danger of drifting away and doubting God's word
- Now the text pauses with an open rebuke and warning (5:11-6:20)
- Text: Heb 5:11-14
- Have a lot to say about Jesus, but it was hard to explain
- Lit. hard to communicate, not hard to interpret
- Problem is not with the message, but with the hearers
- The rebuke is specifically for their immaturity or "sluggishness"
- There is a difference between immaturity and can't help it, and sluggishness
- Signs of this sluggish immaturity:
I. Being sluggish in hearing
- Text says "dullness" of hearing
- "Dullness" is translated "sluggish" in 6:12
- Idea behind this word is slow, lazy or apathetic (I could care less attitude)
- This sluggishness is what has been alluded to up till this point in this book
- Danger of drifing away (2:1) because of not paying close attention
- Danger of doubting God's word
- Used Israel as an example of doubting -- provoked God
- We must strive (work hard for God) to enter our rest in Heaven (4:11)
- TODAY if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts - work hard
- What was the cause of this sluggishness - NOT TRULY LISTENING
- There is a difference between listening and hearing
- In the Hospital Nursery, could pick out Shanes voice (I was listening for him)
- When you become sluggish, you have dullness of hearing
- The dull teacher or material is not the problem (he didn't blame teachers here)
- The problem is that you are tuning out on God
- You heard his voice loud and clear the day you were converted
- Since then other voices have been calling, God's voice - same-o, same-o
- Time for a renewal, a revival
- Are you listening, "pickles and peanut butter"!
II. Being sluggish in learning
- These people had stopped learning spiritual principles
- These people were beyond being just slow learners
- Significant time has passed, should have been teachers by now
It was so bad, they had to be re-taught the "elementary principles"
- (stocheia), principles - Elements, fundamentals or letters of the alphabet
- They had to be taught their ABC's all over again!
- But wait, teaching is not my ministry, not my gift (Eph 4:11)
- This is not talking about the specific "teachers" in the church
- This verse is directed to everyone
- It is the responsibility of every Christian to teach
- Those of you that have worked in your job for years know your job well
- Many of you went to school to learn these things, and continue to go to school
- Some of you have had to train new people -- YOU WERE TEACHING WHAT YOU KNEW
- ALL of you have had to teach someone something you knew at one time or another
- Teaching is everyone's responsiblity
- Some need to be teaching someone
- Some may need to learn their ABC's all over again
- How in the world do you forget your ABC's?!
- It happens when you stop learning AND using them
- You must MASTER your ABC's before you can read,
- You must MASTER reading before you can teach someone else to
- You must MASTER God's word in order to teach others
III. Sluggishness in Growing
- Uses the image of a baby needing milk to grow
- The sad state was that they have come to need milk, not solid food
- They still needed baby food!
- But, what is the difference between MILK and MEAT?
- Text defines Milk as the basic principles (ABC's) of God
- He goes on in 6:1 to define what this milk is
- MILK is what Jesus did - Death, Burial, Resurrection, etc.
- MEAT is the teaching about the Lord's ministry NOW in Heaven (5:11)
- That is not to say we stop drinking milk, but that we add meat
- Big difference between MILK and MEAT eaters
- Milk drinker is not accustomed (not skilled, RSV) to the word of righteousness
- Meat eaters have because of PRACTICE, have their senses trained (they have gained the skills)
- Takes practice & training to learn basic things
- Without this training, there is no way to evaluate new ideas
- When you have a Baby, have to baby proof the house. Why?
- Babies will put anything into their mouth, no skills
- Babies have not learned, and we want to them to learn without getting hurt
- What will it take to move from milk to meat?
- Master the milk and move on to the meat
- Must spend time in the word and PRACTICE it in order to gain the necessary skills
- If we are not growing, it may be this sluggishness of
- Listening
- Learning
- Growing
- Solution has to begin with a deeper study and understanding of the principles of our faith:
- Notice in 5:11, how it was hard to explain or communicate truths about Jesus
- This is a parenthetical section (5:11-6:20)
- After this rebuke and exhortation, he continues with this MEAT in chapter 7, and explains it anyway!
- Problem is we don't expect enough when it comes to spiritual growth
- Bible Classes - Having homework & Tests is unheard of in most churches
- We are not concerned if someone is not learning (unlike in public schools)
- We are concerned about good grades in school, what about Bible school?
- Many have extraordinary competence in other areas, but what about in Christian Living?
- So many churches have existed for years and years, and never have elders. What does this say about spiritual growth?
- It's time for a meat diet. CHEW HARD on God's word and struggle with the hard texts and issues of scripture!
- It's time to stop being a slug
- It's time to open your Bible, open your wings and soar!