Title: Hold On!
Purpose: To inspire a confident faith in Christians
- Hoping for nice weather is not Biblical Hope
- The rebuke for immaturity with an admonition to move on to maturity (5:11-6:8)
- They had lost their drive. Look at the exhortations that have stacked up
- We must pay closer attention to what we have heard (2:1)
- Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts (3:7)
- Take care brethren lest there be in any of you an evil unbelieving heart (3:12)
- Encourage one another day after day while it is still called today (3:13)
- Let us fear, lest while a promise remains of entering his rest, we fall short of it (4:1)
- Let us be diligent to enter that rest (4:11)
- Let us hold fast our confession (4:14)
- Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace (4:16)
- Let us press on to maturity (6:1)
- 3:6, 14 - Outlines part of the problem, they had lost their assurance, their confidence, their "boast of hope"
- The driving force behind doing anything is an expectation of reward (a hope)
- After the lengthy rebuke and admonition, the author wants to encourage the Hebrews
- TEXT: Hebrews 6:9-20
- Words such as "hope", "promise", "oath", "patience" are all repeatedly used...
- We are to be diligent to "Realize our full assurance of hope until the end"
- How? Through 3 Realizations -
I. Realization that God Recognizes your work (v.9-10)
- God is "omniscient", he knows all things and wont forget
- Text: "we are convinced of better things concerning you and the things that accompany salvation"
- I worked with equipment that came in parts and were "mated"
- When equipment is mated, they must stay together to work properly
- eg: Socket wrench set. Socket must accompany wrench, or doesn't work
- If things accompany salvation, it means that Baptism isn't the only thing
- What things accompany salvation?
- Your work and love for him
- Love is the strongest motivator - 2 Cor 5:9, 13-14
- Song, "because he first loved me" - Jesus has demonstrated his love
- Nothing more heart breaking than un-returned love
- Our love is returned to Jesus by doing his will
- Your ministry to the Saints
- Feeding, Visiting, Encouraging, Nurturing,
- Did NOT say God would remember "church programs"
- This is a personal instruction
- Do not put off YOUR ministry to the saints to "church programs"
- The saints, (the church) is the bride of Christ
- It is special
- I Get riled up when someone mistreats my bride
- This suggests that the Hebrews did not totally fall away
- Author was convinced of better things (there was HOPE for them)
- I am convinced of better things for us
- I believe that God will help us overcome these things if we let him--REVIVE US!
II. Realize that God has given us a promise (v.13-18)
- God made a promise to Abraham
- He would multiply and bless him, he was true to his word
- Oath is only as good as what your swear on (v.16)
- God swore by himself (v.13)
- But what does that have to do with us, that promise was made to Abraham!
- (v.17) God's promise to Abraham was also for our benefit.
- How? God wanted to show us 2 unchangeable things (v.18)
- His purpose
- Seed promised in Genesis
- Jesus slain before the foundation of the world
- Purpose was to redeem those who would receive him
- Thousands of years, God's purpose was not thwarted.
- His oath
- Basically, that is what a covenant is, an oath
- God swore by himself
- It is impossible for God to lie, so he didn't need to make an oath, but he did for our assurance
- I've got a cousin who never married
- Very nice guy
- Most marriages in his family are shambles
- People make promises for life, then break them
- However, not so with God
- God has promised -- is there a therefore? YES.
- Abraham received by patiently waiting (100 yrs old became a daddy)
- This anticipates talking about what has been promised to us through faith in chapters 11-12 (12:14)
- Jesus promised to prepare a place for us
- We WILL receive what has been promised through patiently waiting by a God who can be trusted
- Patiently waiting requires - Endurance in living out your faith
III. Recognition that Jesus has entered the veil
- Jesus died & went into inner sanctuary
- This will be expounded on more in the following chapters
- Allusion to the Tabernacle (explanation of Tabernacle)
- Jesus has done what no other High Priest ever could
- Only the High Preist could enter inner sactuary once a year
- Only Jesus entered as a "fore-runner"
- Similar to "Author" or "Pioneer" in 2:9
- He blazed a trail right to the throne
- This is the fulfillment of the promise God made - Redemption
- God's promise has given us HOPE
- It is an anchor of the soul
- Wave after wave of hardships, doubt, and time can dash us against the rocks
- It won't happen with our anchor, our hope. It keeps us focused when everything goes crazy
- It is sure and steadfast
- Nothing else in this world is sure
- Therefore, can't put all your eggs into one basket
- However, YOU CAN put all your eggs into God's basket!
- It enters the veil
- Behind the veil is where God is
- You can get there now through your faith in Jesus
- This hope will do you no good unless you do one thing: "sieze it!" (v.18)
- Hang on and don't let go
- Once you let go, you will be swept away
- Lay hold, seize the hope by faithful recognizing God's work
- Recognize that God rememvbers your work and WILL REWARD YOU
- Recognize that God has promised you Heaven
- Recognize that Jesus has blazed the trail for you to follow into Heaven
- These things give us great encouragement, we who have fled for refuge we are safe --- if we are diligent to realize the full assurance of our hope until the end (v.11-12)
- How you are to be diligent
- v.12 - Imitate those who through faith inherit the promises
- This is speaking of people like Abraham who we are to imitate
- This means you have to READ, LEARN AND IMITATE
- Diligence, then faith and patience, which means endurance.
- How much are you reading? -- How much are you learning? -- How much are you taking action on it by imitating?
- If you are lacking in diligence, now is the time to seize that anchor.