Title: The Right View of God in Trials
Purpose: To Move Christians to run to God and not away from God in times of difficulties
1. Water in the Carberator. In the Pool.
Some things so obvious, don’t need to be a Rocket Scientist
2. not so obvious --- Corrine with Back problems
3. Stacey was told that it was “God’s will” that her parents died,
4. something to say about our trials (James 1:12-18)
5. “Do not be deceived”. Satan wants us to blame God
6. Not only does receiving a crown of life take a correct perspective
(ppt) on the trial itself, but also a correct perspective on God
7. This perspective involves knowing three things:
I. The source of Temptation is not from God
A. We are not to say that we are being tempted by God
B. ILL: Is it evil to cause someone to mess up? (entice someone?)
1. Oakdale, tried to see if kids knew Karate, Parents came
2. Youth Rally in Lincoln, stayed at home with Teen
` c. Later another, is Kari there? No she is in the
shower, who is this? -It was her boyfriend
d. What if we decided to mislead
3. What if a coulple says “nothing can come between us”
a. Mother in law puts doubts in mind
c. what would you think of that person?
C. Reasoning is this:
1. God is all good and cannot be tempted by evil
2. Since it evil to entice, God would not.
3. God does NOT tempt anyone
-God is not willing that any should perish
D. Do not for one second even think to blame God for your troubles
1. Instead, remember from last week (v. 5) ask him to help
2. p.p.t. - Perpective/Petition/Trust
II. The source of temptation not from God---but from our own desire
A. Not mention Satan personally, but lays the responsibility on us
B. Progression:
1. Tempted when “carried away” & “enticed” by his own lust
a. “Enticed” used of the wiles of hunter / “BAIT”
b. ILL: Freddie Fish not see hook, just the worm
1) There is nothing wrong in temptation
-Jesus was tempted in all respects
2) I can look can’t I? smell? touch?
3) Now he is being carried away
c. We tell our kids to say no to someone who tries
to entice them with candy & walk away and tell
2. “Lust” is the mother of sin (Pregnant analogy is used)
a. 2 ideas behind sin, Transgression & Falling Short
b. “Lust” is a neutral term (it is used of God’s
desire for us) (also Phl 1:23; I Thess 2:17)
-Context determines whether it is a good or bad desire
-Desire can make you either transgress or fall short
c. “I will not be mastered by anything” (I Cor. 6:12)
-Why? To avoid conception, WHICH GROWS IN THE WOMB
-Kingdom of heaven is like LEAVEN, hidden in dough
-If you hide it, it will grow, and soon it will become obvious
3. It is still not to late to turn back and repent
-The blood continually cleanses us
-Confess, he is faithful & righteous to forgive us and
-Advocate - Jesus the righteous
4. It is when the sin is full grown, that it brings forth death
-Always talk about Eternal Life in terms of length
-eternal damnation, so is that also eternal life? NO!
-Remember Eternal Life is not just living forever (Depth or Quality)
-Salvation and Eternal Life is a relationship with God that continues forever
C. ILL: Samson flirted with enemy (weakness was good looking women)
-He should have been delivering his people
-It was his undoing
1. Do not flirt with temptation, you could be carried off
2. Some involved in sin, STOP NOW before it grows up
a. Once it is full grown, it will separate you from God
b. Hebrews 6:4-6 - Meaning is disputed, I don’t know, I don’t want to.
c. SHould be sober warning for those involved in sin
III. The source of strength is from God
A. not the source of temptation, he is the giver of what is good
B. We are told in this passage
1. God is dependable (He does not shift)
a. Realize that when tested, God is there all along
b. I COr. 10:13 - “No temptation has overtaken you but such
as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are
able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be able to endure it.
c. ILL: Sort of like the Chicken Exit at Six Flags
2. While sin brings death, God brought us forth by the word
of Truth (to life)
a. There was a purpose for bringing us forth
b. To be the “first fruits” - (usually given to God)
c. Idea of being made holy
C. We are to be Holy, (first fruits)
D. If we watn strength from God, we must give self to him totally as
his first fruits
1. Review: The source of Temptation is not from God / But from our own
desire/ Source of Strength is From God
2. Some of you are struggling with sin. Some may be toying with it, others
may have it growing in the womb, others may have already given birth to