Small Group Questions:  The Price Tag of Salvation  (Luke 2:21-40)

Summary:  Even though salvation and forgiveness is a free gift and we do not earn it, it
still comes with a price tag.  The price is becoming poor yet persistent while realizing
that with the joy & peace of salvation also may come pain.  However, the pain is
temporary and redemption is eternal.

Optional Ice Breaker Questions
- What was your best family trip?  Your worst?
- At what time have you felt the most impatient?


1.  What do Joseph and Mary’s actions reveal about them?  Do they forshadow
anything about Jesus?

2.  How do you think Joseph and Mary may have felt at each of the things
Simeon said?

3.  In what way would Joseph and Mary experience joy because of Jesus?  In
what way would they experience heartbreak?

4.  What is Luke showing us by including the account of Simeon and Anna in his

5.  In what way were Simeon and Anna focused?  What challenges may they
have faced?


6.  How are Simeon and Anna an example for you?

7.  What keeps you from being focused on God’s will in your life?

8.  How can you make Jesus more central in your life?

9.  What specific commitment can you make at this time to make Jesus more
central in your life?