Sermon:  Dirty Laundry


Summary:  The fifty-first Psalm models genuine confession and teaches us some important truths about sin and confession.  It reminds us that all sin is ultimately sin against God and that there are no such thing as extenuating circumstances that might excuse us from sin.  Our response should be humble confession and a repentance that relies on God to purify and change our heart.


Text:  Psalm 51


Scripture Reading:  Ps 24:3-5



1.  Our away college students are back at school

            a.  Another Harding Student hitched a ride back with Jer

            b.  She had her laundry with her, I can remember bringing laundry home

            c.  I had to give in and learn how to do laundry and not let it build up

            d.  I don't like dirty laundry

2.  Do you remember the Don Henley song, "Dirty Laundry?"

            a.  On the radio all the time

            b.  Says everybody loves dirty laundry - talking about dirt in people's lives

            c.  But God does not love dirty laundry

3.  Our dirty laundry comes between us and God

            a.  Dirty laundry is so contrary to God, he hates it with a passion

            b.  He loves righteousness and hates lawlessness

4.  Our response to dirty laundry should be confession and repentance

            a.  Will be looking at Psalm 51, a model for confession and repentance

            b.  Background for it is 2 Sam 11-12

            c.  David committed adultery, lying, deceit, and murder

            d.  (Ps 51) - We see three things to be aware of when we sin


I.  We sin against God  (v.4)

            A.  David said, that he sinned against God and only God

            B.  Does this make you uncomfortable?

                        1. What about what David did to Uriah? 

                        2. How much lower can you get than what David did to Uriah!

                                    a.  Committed adultery with his wife

                                    b.  Pretended to be Uriah's buddy, drank with him to try and

                                         send him home to his wife

                                    c.  Uriah's integrity and conscientiousness wound up leading

                                         to his own demise because of the wicked acts of David

                                    d.  David abused his power, had Uriah carry is own death


                        2.  Didn't David sin against Uriah and Bathsheba?

            C.  ILL:  What if terrorists attacked Saint Louis and the arch was gone?

                        1.  Would we say terrorist attacked them, or us?  It would be us.

                        2.  When Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, they bombed us

                        3.  When they attacked the Twin Towers, they attacked us

                        4.  If they attack Americans, they attack us, not them

            D.  That is how it is when we sin against another person

                        1.  David didn't just sin against Uriah, but against Uriah's creator

                        2.  We don't just sin against others, but against their creator

                                    a.  Whether murder, cheating, lying, adultery, violence

                                    b.  All sin is against God

                        3.  Many focus on the wrong done to each other, and God is often

                             an afterthought

                        4.  However, in the text, God is the forethought, not afterthought

                                    a.  There is no such thing as sinning against God indirectly

                                    b.  All sin is a direct offence against God


II.  There are no excuses

            A.  Are there extenuating circumstances when someone sins?

            B.  ILL:  Think about what happens when a criminal goes to court

                        1.  Let's say the evidence is overwhelming, can't say not guilty

                        2.  What is his lawyer going to do?

                                    a.  He can't say that his client is innocent

                                    b.  Will try and get him the smallest sentence he can

                                    c.  How?  Look for extenuating circumstances

                                                - Yes he is guilty, but he was driven to it

                                                -  Bad upbringing, lost everything in bad business

                                                   deal, abusive relationship with spouse, etc.

            C.  Some people highlight extenuating circumstances in this text (v.5)

                        1.  Many point to this as teaching inherited sin

                                    a.  Called reformed theology, or Calvinism, Total Hereditary

                                         Depravity from the Original Sin

                                    b.  In other words, sin came into the world through Adam

                                         and passed down to David

                                    c.  David was born in sin!  Was a sinner the minute he came

                                         out of the womb!

                        2.  But this doesn't fit the context

                                    a.  David is not giving extenuating circumstance for his sin

                                    b.  David not giving doctrinal exposition of the doctrine of sin

                                    c.  v.4 - God is just, and if he is just and David inherited the

                                        guilt & sin of Adam, God shouldn't hold David responsible

                                    d.  David is speaking out of the anguish of his heart

                                                - David recognizes the depth of his sinfulness

                                                - David sees how impure his heart is

                        3.  David never tries to make excuses for his behavior

                                    a.  Never says it was the stress of the job, or that Bathsheba

                                          bathed where she could be seen, or didn't resist

                                    b.  If David made excuses, then he would be asking God to

                                          excuse his sin, not forgive his sin

                        4.  What does David appeal to then?

                                    a.  Not an excuse, otherwise God would not forgive him

                                    b.  He appeals to God's mercy

                                    c.  He knows there is no excuse, David deserves to die

                                    d.  All he can do is plead for God's mercy

            D.  We need to have the same attitude in our confession to God

                        1.  We should not try to explain it away as though we are not guilty

                        2.  We should appeal to God's mercy and nothing else

                        3.  We should confess our sin all with humility


III.  We need to confess our sin

            A.  Why would you try to keep a secret from God who knows your heart?

            B.  David bares his whole heart to God

                        1.  v.2-3 - David doesn't try to pretend to be better than he is

                        2.  (1 Jn 1:9) - If we say we have to sin, we lie

                                    a.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to

                                              forgive us of our sin

                                    b.  Only sins that keeps you from God is unconfessed sin

                                    c.  Can be an unforgiven liar, or a forgiven sinner

                        3.  (v.16-17) Notice what David is not satisfied with doing

                                    a.  Supposed to make a sacrifice for sin

                                    b.  It just didn't seem to be enough for David

                                    c.  He know God does not delight in sacrifice

                                                - God doesn't need the sacrifice

                                                - Sacrifice does nothing for God

                                                - Only thing it might do is anger God if it insincere

                        4.  What God accepts is a broken and contrite heart

                                    a.  Contrite means genuine remorse

                                    b.  It means you recognize you have sinned against God

                                                - Not sorry because you got caught

                                                - Not sorry because you messed up - self-centered

                                                - Not sorry because you hurt yourself

                                    c.  It is sorrow because you dishonored God

                                    d.  (2 Cor 7:8-11) Godly sorrow leads to repentance

            C.  ILL:  Ever known anyone who tried to buy their way through life?

                        1.  Think they can buy your way out of any mess

                        2.  String of broken promises to wife, children, loved ones

                        3.  Buy flowers and gifts to make it all better

                        4.  In the long run, it didn't work.  Why?  it wasn't sincere

            D.  It takes more than just saying sorry

                        1.  A lot people think repentance is just asking for forgiveness

                        2.  Repentance means an inner change, a change of mind

                        3.  That change of mind needs to be seen in our life

                        4.  Brings us to our final point...


IV.  Submit to God to Purify you

            A.  David knew going through the motions of sacrifice does nothing

                        1.  v.6 - God desires truth, integrity, faithfulness in inner self

                        2.  God is not impressed by just going through the motions

            B.  David asks God to clean him up from the inside out

                        1.  Doesn't want just to be cleansed from guilt, problem is deeper

                        2.  v.7, 10 - Purify me, wash me, Create in me a clean heart

                                    a.  David's inner thoughts, affections, passions

                                    b.  David could see the impurity of his heart

                                                - He is a lying, murdering adulterer!

                                                - He is rotten to the core

                                    c.  Unless has clean heart, rottenness will come out again

                        3.  Jer 17:9 - The heart is more deceitful than all else And is

                             desperately sick; Who can understand it?

            C.  ILL:  You noticed all the scandals there are among Christian leaders?

                  Whether political leaders, military, church, etc.

                        1.  Several Christians I knew got involved in sin and it was a shock

                                    a.  One wound up having an affair

                                    b.  One got caught pilfering money

                                    c.  Another was a close alcoholic

                        2.  Reason it was a shock?  Didn't realize any capable of sinning

                                    a.  When I was growing up, rarely did people confess

                                    b.  We were proud Christians.  We never sinned!

                                    c.  Might pay lip service - "Forgive us of our many many sins"

                                                - But that sounded more like a liturgical formula

                                                - It was one of those phrases you supposed to say

                                    d.  I don't know if it was pride or fear, no one ever confessed

                        3.  Looking back, I wonder how many Uriahs were sent to the front?

                                    a.  How many sins kept secret, never acknowledged

                                    b.  How could anyone expect to change without confession?

            D.  (Jas 5:14-16) - Tells us what we need to turn to God 

                        1.  I do not believe this is talking about physical sickness

                                    a.  "Sick" is more often than not translated "weak"

                                                - Example:  Rom 5:6- While we were still helpless, at

                                                   the right time Christ died for the ungodly

                                                - Passage is saying we were rendered helpless by sin

                                    b.  Talking about being beat down by fleshly weakness

                                    c.  This is why it says to confess our sins and pray

                                    d.  Elders anoint him in same way Lord anoints us in the 23rd

                                         Psalm, they set him apart in prayer, care for him in honor

                        2.  If try harder, and you can't kick it, then you need a pure heart

                                    a.  Perhaps sin has beaten you down, taken away strength

                                    b.  Ps 32:2 - When I kept silent about my sin, I wasted away

                        3.  Just need to lay it out before God, admit we are a mess

                        4.  Consider songs we sing

                                    a.  Break my heart, dear Lord, tear the barriers down, my

                                        heart is hard, my soul so weak

                                    b.  Purer in heart O God, keep me from secret sin, reign thou

                                         my soul within

                                    c.  Create in my a clean heart O God, and renew



1.  Notice the results of confession

            a.  v.11 - Presence of God

                        - Ps 24:3-5 - Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord and who may

                          stand in his holy place?  He who has clean hands and a pure

                          heart.  He shall receive a blessing from the Lord

                        - Mt 5:8 - Blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God

            b.  v.12 - Restore the joy of salvation

            c.  v.13 - Others will be converted

                        - I think sinners do a great job to convert other sinners

2.  Have you been converted and become a Christian?

            a.  Many think they are "Christian" but it is only in name

            b.  They still have dirty laundry in their life

            c.  A Christian is one who has obeyed the Gospel (inv)

3.  If you are already a Christian, do you have dirty laundry in your life?

            a.  Realize you have sinned against God and there are no excuses

            b.  Don't let pride or fear make you continue to hide it

                        - Pride and that kind of fear does not come from God

                        - Hiding it does not make it go away, only harder to deal with as

                          time goes by

                        - Trying harder will not make it go away either

            c.  Confess it, and let God renew your relationship, joy, and strength





Sermon:  Dirty Laundry


Summary:  The fifty-first Psalm models genuine confession and teaches us some important truths about sin and confession. It reminds us that all sin is ultimately sin against God and that there are no such thing as extenuating circumstances that might excuse us from sin. Our response should be humble confession and a repentance that relies on God to purify and change our heart.



 (Ps 51) - We see three things to be aware of when we sin


I. We sin against God (v.4)

   A. Didn't just sin against Uriah, but against Uriah's creator

   B. All sin is a direct offence against God


II. There are no excuses

   A. David never tries to make excuses

   B. David appeals to God's mercy


III. We need to confess our sin

   A. v.2-3 - David doesn't try to pretend

   B. 1 Jn 1:9 - If confess, he will forgive

   C. Sins that keep you from God is unconfessed sins

   D. v.16-17 - David not satisfied with mere sacrifice

   E. 2 Cor 7:8-11 Godly sorrow leads to repentance


IV. Submit to God to Purify you

   A. v.6 - God desires truth, integrity, faithfulness

   B. David not want just to be cleansed from guilt

   C. v.7, 10 - Purify me, Create in me a clean heart

   D. Jas 5:14-16 - Confess your sins and pray for each other

   E. Ps 32:2 - When I kept silent about my sin, I wasted away



Results of confession



Small Group Questions:  Dirty Laundry


Summary:  The fifty-first Psalm models genuine confession and teaches us some important truths about sin and confession.  It reminds us that all sin is ultimately sin against God and that there are no such thing as extenuating circumstances that might excuse us from sin.  Our response should be humble confession and a repentance that relies on God to purify and change our heart.




- What type of cleaning to you enjoy or dislike the most?



Explore (Psalm 51, background in 2 Sam 11)


1.  List the sins that David had committed. 


2.  What is David's response in this Psalm?  Describe his attitude and how it is different than what others may do when they do something wrong.


3.  Why does David not mention Uriah, Bathsheba, or anyone else he may have sinned against?  What does this say about his understanding of sin?


4.  Why does David not offer up a sacrifice for his sin?  What does this reveal about his understanding of God?


5.  What does David desire?  Is it forgiveness, or something more?  What does this say about his understanding of himself? 





6.  What insights do you gain about God, sin, and yourself from this Psalm?


7.  Describe what your attitude, outlook, and response should be when you sin.


8.  In what ways have you sinned against or wronged a friend, brother, parent, child, etc?  What is God calling you to do?


9.  In what way do you need more purity of heart?  What will it take for you to grow in purity of heart?


