Sermon:  The Lord's Prayer pt 2

Summary:  This prayer of Jesus reveals the nature and character of the church and her 
place in the world.  The church has received the glory of God which manifests the very 
character of God through accomplishing God's work which begins with sanctification and 
is sustained through unity in the Lord so that the church can carry out her missional 
purpose in the world.

Know:  The character of the church of Christ is defined by the character and mission of 
Christ, not what we want it to be

Feel:  The desire to carry out God's mission of redemption in harmony with the brethren

Do:   Discuss what this part of Jesus' prayer reveals about his heart's desire and passion.  
Reflect on how the church is to demonstrate the glory of God and how this fits in with God's 
mission.  Compare how the ideal compares with the reality.  Identify personal challenges in 
sanctification, unity, and mission in your life. 

Text:  John 17

Scripture Reading:  Jn 5:19-20

1.  Jesus prayed with his disciples at the end, about what important and dear
	a.  Reflected on the nature of his relationship with God
	b.  Also prayed about his followers he was leaving behind
2.  Jesus prayer reveals the character of the church
	a.  Several words/concepts are prominent:  Glory, World, Name, Word, 
	     One/Unity, Sent, Know
	b.  The overarching theme is the idea of glory
3.  Tie all these together to get a picture of the character of the church.  The church…

I.  Demonstrates the glory of God (v.4, 22)
	A.  What is "glory" or "glorify?"
		1.  Heb:  Kbd 
			a.  Noun - Glory, honor, dignity, reputation
			b.  Verb - To honor, praise, exalt
		2.  Grk: Doxa 
			a.  Noun:  View, judgment, or estimate of, (whether good or 
			      bad), splendor, brightness, majesty, 
			b.  Verb:  To suppose, praise, magnify, honor, adorn
		3.  Noun:  The character of
		4.  As a verb - To highlight the character of
	B.  How did he glorify God?
		1.  He finished God's work - v.4
			a.  Jesus did God's work.  What was it?
			b.  (Lk 4:18-19) - Preach Gospel to poor, release captives, 
			     recovery of sight, free oppressed, favorable year of Lord  
			c.  (Lk 5:31-32) - Physician, call not righteous, but sinners 
			d.  (Lk 19:10) - Seek and save that which was lost
		2.  He was "with us"  (Jn 1:14)
			a.  Word became flesh
			b.  Jesus not keep people at arms distance
				- Could have preached from a stage
				- But he got really, really close
			c.  Jesus taught with his actions, his life
				- When he ate with tax collectors and sinners
				- When he touched the outcasts and marginalized
				- When he walked, talked and lived with disciples
				- When he identified with us, by becoming one of us
			d.  The word became flesh -- His message:  
				- God loves the world, so gave his son
				- Follow me, do what I do
				- No mistaking the character of God in the flesh
	C.  ILL:  A king tried to pass message on to subjects - Do as I would do
		1.  Try to pass it on through messenger
		2.  Try to pass it on through writing
		3.  Found the best way - Pass it on in the flesh, in person
		4.  See him in all his glory
	D.  (v.22) - Jesus has given his glory to the church
		1.  Church is to demonstrate the glory of God
		2.  How?  The same way Jesus did
			a.  We get out of building, eat with tax collectors and sinners
			b.  Touch the outcasts, and the marginalized
			c.  Walk with, talk with, and expend selves for others
			d.  When we identify with those who are lost
		3.  Ultimately, when we as the church, preach Gospel to the poor
			a.  God's work is not just being moral people
			b.  It is about doing God's work
			c.  This is how we glorify God
		4.  **Doing God's work begins with sanctification

II.  Recognizes its sanctification (v.9, 14, 17, 19)
	A.  What is sanctification, sanctuary, sanctify?
		1.  From the word "Holy" (Heb: Kadosh, Grk: Hagios)
		2.  Both Heb and Grk - "different, dedicated, set apart"
		3.  1 Sam 2:2 - There is no one holy like the Lord
			a.  There is nothing like God
			b.  God is distinctly different than anything else
			c.  God has no equal
			d.  God is the only God
		4.  Ex 19:5-6; 1 Pet 2:9 - You are a holy nation, a people for God's 
		     own possession 
			a.  God "set apart" Israel as his own people
				- They were dedicated to him for his purpose
			b.  God "set apart" the church as his own people
				- We are dedicated to him for his purpose
	B.  ILL:  I think we all understand what this means
		1.  How many of you own a comb or brush?
			a.  It is dedicated for a specific purpose
			b.  You don't use it to rake grass, to swat flies, scratch back
			c.  Don't use it on the dog
			d.  It is "set apart" for you
		2.  How many have a nice set of dishes?
			a.  You don't use them to hold extra change, keys, etc.
			b.  You don't use them to feed the dog
			c.  have been "set apart" for a special occasion
		3.  How many of you own a suit or a very nice dress?
			a.  You don't wear it every day
			b.  You don't wear it when gardening, or cleaning
			c.  It has been "set apart" for special occasions
		4.  See, you are very familiar with the idea of sanctification
	C.  How are we set apart?
		1.  v.14 - Not of the world
			a.  Have been set apart
			b.  Everything is different
				- Concept of riches are different
				- Definition of greatness is different
				- Morality and ethics are different
				- Meaning of love is different
			c.  World has different definition for these that its maker
			b.  That is why Jesus says…
		2.  Sanctified in truth
			a.  We are set apart in God's truth according to his word
			b.  World's concepts are often lies, God's word is truth
			c.  God's word defines riches, greatness, ethics, love
			d.  God's word defines humanity, sin, and salvation
				- Humanity - Without the Gospel, all enslaved to sin
				- Sin - Falling short of God's will
				- Salvation - Through the Gospel, death, burial, 
				   resurrection of Christ
	D.  We are set apart by God's truth
		1.  Makes us "different" than the world
		2.  Also makes us "dedicated" to God
		3.  ***Together, we are brought together and devoted to God…

III.  Exemplifies unity (v.21, 22, 23)
	A.  Jesus prayed that all his followers would be one
	B.  Is this really possible?
		1.  No - If you mean 100% agreement on every point of doctrine
		2.  Yes - If you mean relational or functional or missional unity
			a.  Rom 14:1-10, Unity is based on God's acceptance, not 
			     100% agreement
				- We are to accept he whom God accepts and justifies
					-- Justification based on faith Rom 1-8
					-- Even accept "weak" in faith - Rom 14:1
				- Rom 14:13-20 - relational unity based on love, v.15
					-- Our love causes us to give up freedoms to 
					    prevent a brother from stumbling
					-- This is a demonstration of God's glory…
			b.  Jn 1:14 - God's glory is full of BOTH grace and truth
			c.  Jn 17:22 - He has given his glory so that we can be one
				- We can be one through BOTH grace and truth
				- Some try to elevate one and despise the other
			d.  Rom 14-15 has both grace and truth
				- Truth - the Gospel, Rom 1:16, justification, 5:1
				- Grace - not judging & accepting one another
				- Grace - giving up freedoms for unity
		3.  Solution for unity is glory of God, full of grace and truth
		4.  Model for unity is the relationship of the Son and the Father
			a.  Jn 17:21 - To be one as God and the Son are one
			b.  Jn 5:19 - Jesus only does what the Father does
				- This is a relational and functional unity
				- This is a missional unity, in God's mission
			c.  Jn 5:20 - The Father loves the Son - Based on LOVE
				- Same message in Romans 
					-- Chap 1-8, exposition on the Gospel
					-- Chap 14, Walking in love for unity
				- Same in 1 Corinthians  - Solution for unity in love
					-- Chap 2 - Nothing but Christ crucified, Gospel
					-- Chap 13 - Walking in love for unity
	C.  ILL:  Peanuts Cartoon - Lucy demands Linus change TV channels 
		1.  Linus replies - What makes you think you can just demand?
		2.  Lucy - These five fingers, individually they are nothing, but I curl 
		     them together like this into a single unit, and they form a weapon 
		     that is terrible to behold
		3.  Linus - What channel do you want?
			a.  Looks at his own fingers
			b.  Says, "Why can't you guys get organized like that?
		4.  That is the kind of unity Jesus is talking about
			a.  It is knit together in fierce loyalty and love
			b.  It is powerful enough to keep Satan at bay
	D.  Jesus' ultimate desire?
		1.  Not just that we receive his glory
		2.  Not just that we are sanctified
		3.  Not just that we are one
		4.  **It is so the world may know…

IV.  Carries out the mission of God (v.4, 11, 15, 18, 21, 23, 24)
	A.  Look at everything we have seen so far
		1.  We are to demonstrate the glory of God
		2.  This begins with sanctification in truth
		3.  In this sanctification, we are brought together as one
		4.  All this is so the world may know
	B.  Look at what Christ says
		1.  v.11, 18 - We are "in the world" and "sent" into the world.  Why?
			a.  Jn 3:16 - God so "loved" the world he sent his Son
			b.  Now the Son sends us, the church into the world
			c.  Being set apart does not mean being secluded in our faith
		2.  We are sanctified in truth
			a.  It God's word is truth
			b.  Does not say it is true only in church, or only to me
			c.  No reason to hesitate, be timid, afraid, etc.
	C.  ILL I talked about Jesus with a student last week
		1. Someone brought up God, sparked conversation during free time
		2.  Another student had Bible, and it got passed around
		3.  I could tell them where to look and read in that Bible
		4.  One student became spellbound with that Bible couldn't put it 
		     down -- That's how it starts
	D.  We are sanctified in TRUTH
		1.  Means we need to speak the word with conviction
			a.  To often, we are intimidated, timid, embarrassed, etc.
			b.  Yes, the world hates us, but does that make it untrue
			c.  They killed our Lord, but did that make Gospel untrue?
		2.  It is true
			a. People are lost, in sin, headed for Hell - true
			b. Only hope is in Jesus Christ - true
			c. God sent Jesus, and He sends the church - true
		3.  We are sent to accomplish the work of God 
			a.  Not merely talk about it
			b.  Not merely study endlessly about it
			c.  Not overplan it to death with every contingency plan
			d.  Simply DO it

1.  v.24 - Jesus desires that we all are with him (inv)
2.  If you have done this already, you are part of the church
3.  What does it mean to be the church?  Glory, sanctification, unity, mission

Small Group Notes:  The Lord's Prayer, pt 2

Summary:  This prayer of Jesus reveals the nature and character of the church and her place 
in the world.  The church has received the glory of God which manifests the very character of 
God through accomplishing God's work which begins with sanctification and is sustained through 
unity in the Lord so that the church can carry out her missional purpose in the world.

- What image do you prefer to characterize the church?  Hospital?  Health club?  Soup Kitchen?  
A School?  A Fraternal Order?  Neighborhood?  Cathedral?  Other: ______________


1.  In what way was Jesus concerned about his followers?

2.  What things does Jesus specifically pray for concerning his disciples?

3.  According to this prayer, what things has Jesus given, or done for his disciples?  How are 
each of these significant?

4.  What does this reveal about the character, nature, work, and purpose of the church?


5.  What are some specific ways that we as a church can fulfill what Jesus desires for us to be and do?  

6.  Since the church is sent into the world as the agent of God's mission, and you are part of the church, 
what are some possible ways you might fit into the overall mission?  What are areas of ministry that remain unexplored for you?

7.  What are some hurdles you might have in fulfilling our Lord's desire for you as part of his church?  
What are your fears, challenges, etc.?

8.  What might God be calling you to do this week?
