Title: Throwing it all away
Purpose: To motivate Christian's to be persistent in the walk
- Last week - hold fast faith hope and love
- This is the 4th exhortation in Hebrews
-2:1-4 - drifting ; 3:12-4:16 - disbelief/doubt ; 5:11-6:8 - Dullness ; 10:26 - Insult God
- This exhortation tail end of exposition of our Great High Priest
- Last week - 3 things we should do --- this week deals with “What if I don’t do it?”
- Text - Hebrews 10:26-39
- They had been Christians for awhile, and needed endurance
- We as Christian need to persist in our these works. Why? Reasons:
I. If we don’t persist, we throw away Jesus (v. 26-31)
- The once for all sacrifice which remains no longer remains
- Explanation:
- Definition of sin (many do not think of self as sinners)
- Baseball Pitcher - Can pitch too far (transgression), or fall short (sin)
- Not persisting in our faith is falling short, it is SIN
- Willful sin throws away our means to God
- There no longer remains sacrifice
- v.30
- Quotation originally was to comfort (Dt.32:35-36)
- Enemies did not want to find themselves on the wrong side of God
- Without the sacrfice, all can look forward to is judgement
- Under the law, died without mercy
- God’s love is endless, but his judgement is merciless
- That was sin under the law, how much worse is it NOW to set aside God’s son?
- It is worse because of what this willful sin does:
- Tramples under foot the son of God - Have thrown him out, no value
- Regards as “unclean” (koinon - Common) the blood of Christ
- May wonder why “common” is translated as unclean, profane, or unholy
- When the word is set against what is holy, this word means unholy, or unclean
- Some people compartmentalize their faith (it is a part of life)
- Only a Christian on Sunday, don’t bother me with Mon-Sat.
- That profanes (regards as common) the blood of Christ
- It puts your faith on par with rest of your common life when your faith should overide and control the rest of your life.
- It insults (outrages) the Spirit of grace
- Paul said - “Shall we continue in sin that grace might increase?” Rom 6:1
- That is abusing mercy, abusing grace.
- Illustrations
- My Grandmother was known as flower lady
- All children loved her, always brought gifts from the city for everyone
- Mom got same gift as everyone else, it infuriated her.
- She felt treated as a common kid, not the flower ladies daughter!
- Base Commander (was a P.O.W.)
- New base commander, came to theater
- During the National anthem, everyone was talking, some did not stand, etc.
- He stopped the movie and closed the theator for several months.
- He suffered and even bled for that flag, the disrespect of it infuriated him
- How much more does it infuriate God when we regard his son as “common”
by willfully falling short.
- Let' get where the Rubber meets the road
- Not assembling, not considering one another, not praying, not reading, taking
a promotion that keeps you from family and brethren, witholding contribution, work too much overtime and not spending time with your family --- that is falling short
- Hit too close to home! (preacher’s job - comfort afflicted, afflict the comfortable)
- If you are falling short, have a choice, can continue in it, (throw away Jesus) or repent!
II. Lack of persistence throws away your brethren (32-34)
- Relationship to Christ is tied up in your relationship to one another
- Text:
- Description of their “former” days
- Endured a great “conflict” of sufferings
- “Conflict” athlesin (Athelete) - Athletic Struggle
- Idea of enduring the grueling contest to win the prize
- Their conflict (athletic struggle) involved
- Were made a public spectacle (theatron) for reproaches (abuse) and tribulations (shows they singled out for abuse)
- Becoming sharers (koinonon) with those abused, after all, they were brethren
- Showed sympathy to prisoners (family had to feed and care for)
- Accepted siezure of property due to their faith with JOY (not just detachment)
- Their confidence of all of this was based on the knowledge of having a better and
abiding (or enduring) possession! (dont worry about earthly loss)
- This is probably al foreign to us. Don’t know the meaning of struggle like this.
- We have brethren in Laos to who this passage would be very real to
- They were arrested merely for meeting and worshiping God
- In prison, they sent messages to the other Christians to NOT stop serving God
- They also told everyone not to feel sorry for them, but to keep the faith
- Problem with the Hebrew Christians -- they stopped
- Were persecuted for faith and for relationship to Christians
- Imagine how this affected them if had children
- Eventually distanced themselves (stopped assembling)
- How different it would be if we knew authorities could come in and haul us away
- Must persist in consider one another. How?
- Hug, Drop by, Invite home to play UNO, send encouraging notes
tell teacher appreciate, those who clean building...
- We can do this without molestation in our country!
- Don’t treat this gift as common!
III. Lack of persistence throws away your reward (35-39)
- Do not throw away confidence which has a great reward!
- When persistence is waning, need endurance
- Don’t get me wrong, (we have a sacrifice for unintentional sin)
- But isn’t all sin really intentional after all?
- Notice - 10:32 - If we CONTINUE in intentional sin
- Sooner or later, unintentional becomes intentional
- Don’t ask where line is, that is dangerous (Heb 6:6)
- William was sitting next to Stacey while making a cake
- She tells him "Don’t touch!" so he sits REAL close and just looks
- His little hand sloooowly reaches, ("ah ah ah!") springloaded, it jumps back
- That is the wrong kind of persistence
- Be persistent in the right way
- Don’t ask - "How little can I do and still get by?" (you’ve already started your downhill slide)
- Lord here I am, use me!
- Do you want eternal life, or eternal death
- The righteous shall live by faith
- Do you have faith? Faith involves: Confidence/Endurance/Persistence
- Need Persistence Lack of persistence in Jesus throws away sacrifice, brethren, reward
- May have fallen short
Jesus blood takes care of it
may have thrown some wild balls, or so tired-wimpy balls - Never get any better if no persist
- If falling short, do not continue - Cost too great - Get back in the game - You will win