Title: What Boldness is For
Purpose: To move Christians to stand up and live their faith
- School without computer, so limited. Now have one, just need to learn how to use all its capabilities
- That was the problem with the Hebrews, needed to learn what they had available
- This passage sums up and begins the practical exhortation
- Text Heb 10:19-25
- Old Testament Attitude (Dt 4:33; 5:22-30)
- Now we have:
- Confidence to enter the holy place (confidence, or “boldness”)
- Can enter be a NEW and LIVING way
- A great priest over the house of God
- Jesus:
- Author/pioneer of our salvation (perfected through sufferings)
- The forerunner into the veil (something no priest had ever done)
- High Priest forever after the order of Melchezidek (forever making intercession)
- Mediator of a Better Covenant (where sins are remembered no more)
- Testator/Will Maker (cleansed our conscience/inner mind)
- Because of all these things, we can have confidence to do three things: (involves faith hope and love)
I. Let us draw near
- We have come full circle in the development (Heb 4:14-16)
- Unlike the old system, we can draw near at any time
- We are to do so with a sincere (true) heart (have to be internal clean)
- We can do so in full assurance of faith
- Because our hearts are sprinkled from an evil conscience
- Because our bodies washed with pure water
- But isn’t the cleansing internal? Washing was external
- I Pet 3:21 - Baptism and Appeal to God
- Youth Ministry Class (Dirty Cup Model)
- Have to clean the inside
- Would not want to drink of a dirty cup
- We have been cleansed inside and out - draw near to God
- How often do you pray? Read?
- Do you draw near with a true heart?
- When you are true to loved one, you think about them all the time
- Serenade them: (Ps 119:33-40)
II. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope
- Would expect word confession of FAITH here
- Will talk more about faith in chapters ahead
- Hope is about living for our expectations
- Explanation
- Do it without wavering
- Remember 6:13-20?
- Our hope enters the veil
- Our hope is a sure and steadfast anchor (keep us from waver
- Basis of hope in Christ
- Heb 1:10-12 - Fashions change, will fail you Xst is same
- Jas 1:6-8 - Doubting double minded, unstable surf of sea
- God’s purpose never been thwarted in shifting world
- Obstacle course in Basic Training (fell in the mud due to hesitation)
- When God throws you the rope, grab it!!!
- Do you hold fast your CONFESSION of hope
- What does a person with this hope look like?
- Doesn’t live in the shadows (like levitical system)
- Generous with money and time: Publishers Clearning house sued by Wisconson
- People thought could win by buying
- Some had bout 1000’s of dollars worth (because hope)
- They taking a gamble, we are not
- We are even more generous because we have God’s promise & oath
- Boast of our hope (Heb 3:6) just like child hoping for Xmas
- Teach children about spiritual upbringing
III. Let us Consider How to stimulate one another to love and good deeds
- Your translation may say “provoke”, “stir up”, or “spur”
- Exposition
- “Let us consider one another for the provocation of love ...”
- Start by considering not HOW but One Another (get to know)
- This is for the provoking (incite, irritate, or pester, when negative)
- To love and good deeds
- good is kalos - beautiful, honorable (not agathos)
- Eg. Mark 14:6 - a “good”, “beautiful” thing
- How to stimulate
- Not forsaking assembling
- Forsake for something else (because boring etc.)
- This passage shows it is about giving, not getting
- Encourage one another - all things for edification (I Cor 14)
- Chicken soup article - “It couldn’t hurt” with Christian Adaptation
- I could send a card - It couldn't hurt
- I could give money to struggling brother, it only hurt a little
- I could call just to encourage - It couldn't hurt
- I could give a hug - It counldn't hurt
- I could etc. etc. etc.
- Imagine the effect if all of us did this!
- The Ministry of Jesus should give us
- Faith - to draw near to God with confidence
- Hope - Hold fast the confession of our hope
- Love - Love our brethren and consider them to stimulate, inspire them to ...
- You have been educated on the “computer” you have been given
- Jesus did so much, and is doing so much, and will do so much
- What are you going to do about it?