Title: Only One
Purpose: To encourage the church to work together in love
- 1. Tools are a wonderful thing, if you use the right
- a. My Dad used to struggle putting toys together for me, with a butter knife
- b. There are certain things that will not function unless used right
- 2. That is the problem with church splits today, the church has ceased to function corrrectly
- 3. TEXT: I Cor 12:12-27
- 4. Prop: As Christ’s church we need to function correctly
- 5. 3 Principles to Recognize for how (I call them the 3 ONES)
I. Recognize that the church is ONE BODY (v.12-13)
- A. Metaphor to show intimacy of the church
- B. Why this written? There was a lack of intimacy in the Corinthian church
- 1. There were divisions:
- a. Over preachers
- b. Christians were suing each other (6:7, take the loss)
- c. Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols
- -Causing certain Christians to stumble
- -Attitude, it’s not my problem, I’m mature, he’s not
- d. Divisions in the Lord’s Supper
- -We’re not eating the Lord’s Supper (sarcastically)
- -Not discerning the body (dual meaning)
- -All they cared about was the "approved" (11:20)
- -Shaming those with nothing (11:22)
- e. Cared about feeling good that I can use my gifts, ignoring edification
- 2. Never once did he praise them for this division and fighting
- 3. They were not functioning correctly as one body
- C. What is a body that does not function properly a sign of? (3:1-4 - Immaturity)
- 1. Babes can hardly walk (they walk with hands up and toddle)
- 2. Trouble Feeding Selves (Don’t want Rasberry while eating pea soup)
- 3. Diaper Time (other always want your kid until they get ripe)
- 4. Babies are a lot of work YOU DO IT UNTIL THEY BECOME MATURE
- 5. Paul recognized they were immature (4:14 - "I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children")
- D. Body can only mature and develop as all the parts work together
- 1. Muscles, eye hand coordination, it takes time, and all are different
- 2. Have to work at it together, if not, seizure develops, and pain
II. Recognize there is ONE SPIRIT (v.13)
- A. By one spirit we were baptized into one body
- B. Why would Paul make the point there is only one Spirit?
- 1. Chap 12:1-11, Back in days of miraculous gifts
- a. v. 11 Many gifts, very exciting time in the church
- b. ONLY ONE SPIRIT who gives all the gifts
- c. Doesn’t mean one has a greater spirit, if he has a particular gift
- d. Doesn’t mean you are more spiritual if you have a certain gift or ability (Paul said none of you are spiritual! in 3:1-3)
- e. All it means is you have a different FUNCTION, and there are many functions
- 2. Competition over who was the most spiritual by the type of ability they had
- a. Pauls point: (v15-17) There are many functions
- b. Different function doesn’t mean different status (v.13, whether Jew or Greek...)
- c. GOD has placed the members in the body as he desired (v 18)
- -God doesn’t do things for no reason
- -God doesn’t make junk
- d. I’m not very important because I can’t preach, teach, read well,.... NO!
- e. I’m not very spiritual because I can’t quote scriptures well.... NO!
- 3. Spirituality is not about abilities, or knowing every jot & tittle
- 4. Then what is Spirituality about?
- a. Notice 3:3 - Jealousy and Strife, that is why they were unspiritual
- b. Was something missing? (YES I Cor 13:1-3)
- -They could speak in wonderful tongues
- -They could prophesy
- -They could give their possessions or even die
- 5. Spirituality is about Love!!! GOD’S LOVE
- 6. Love seems to be a recurring theme in I Corinthians, it is the solution for:
- a. Quarrells and Divisions
- b. Suing each other
- c. Eating Meat (Total disregard for brethren, insenstitive)
- d. Lord’s Supper (Shaming those who were without)
- e. Arrogance from Spiritual Gifts
- C. A woman once got on a plane and sat next a a black man
- 1. She called the stewardess and said it was unacceptable in a loud voice for everyone to hear
- 2. Stewardess said all seats were taken in coach and only one was left in first class, so she would talk to the captain
- 3. Stewardess came back and told the woman that the captain said it was an outrage that anyone should have to sit next to someone so obnoxious
- 4. So she then turned to the black man and continued, "so if you will get your things and come with me sir, I'll show you to your new seat"
- 5. Everyone sitting around them applauded
- C. We may not say words such as this woman, but if we feel this way there is a problem
- 1. Just because you know scriptures doesn’t mean you know God
- 2. If you don’t Love, you don’t know God (I John 4:8)
- 3. Pharisees had forgotten love, mercy, kindness, compassion
- 4. There is one Spirit, and One Body, which belongs to Christ
III. Recognize there are a number of ONE MEMBERS (v.19-20)
- A. The church is one body and has many members
- B. Each of the members need each other
- 1. My arm doesn’t bandage its own cuts alone, my hand and eyes help
- 2. The whole body is involved in the care of itself
- 3. Never have the attitude "it’s their problem if they're spiritually sick", if we are one
body, then it’s our problem too.
- 4. Ground at the cross is level (v.23-25)
- a. Ones who seem less honorable - more honor
- b. Unseemly members - more abundant seemliness
- c. We might say these are the big toes of the body
- -Do we have any here today
- -We either think, I’m not a lowly toe, or are too ashamed to admit we
are a worthless toe
- -But a Toe is not worthless, they have honor
- 5. (v 24) God gives more honor to the member which lacks. Why?
- a. No division in the body
- b. Same care for one another
- c. Share in suffering and joy
- 6. Boils down to cherishing each member
- C. ILL: What does it take?
- 1. Little things matter
- 2. Minus sign, absence of it 2.6 billion blunder for Fidelity Investments (someone
forgot to put a minus sign on a net loss of 1.3 billion)
- 3. A dot, Nasa tried to send a rocket to Mars, missed by 200 million miles due
to a period mission from the computers computations
- 4. Air Force, someone left a screwdriver in an LRU, found it, could have caused a plane to crash
- D. Leaving and forgetting little things aren’t really little
- 1. Don’t be inconsiderate of ANY of you brethren
- 2. Are you honoring or dishonoring the big toe?
1. The only way to function correctly is to recognize the loving one-ness of the church
- -One Body
- -One God, Spirit, & Son
- -One Memebers
2. How are we going to function correctly?
3. Whole point in conclusion in Chap 14
- a. Pursue Love (14:1)
- b. All things for edification (build up)