Upsidedown December
John D. Telgren

It seems to happen about the same time every year. Everyone seems to go through a transformation. Two nights ago we had a meeting at our children’s school so we could sort food donated by the students which was given for the needy. We had enough for over 20 families! We all had smiles on our faces as we talked with anticipation about what we were doing.

This sort of transformation seems to take place everywhere. Those who normally have a sour disposition all year long turn sweet for a time. People seem to be more helpful and courteous in spite of the hectic crowds and lines and the shopping centers.

An angel of the Lord said, “’Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and you shall call his name, Immanu-el.’ which translated means, ‘God with us (Matt 1:23).’”

This child grew and turned the world upside down. In His kingdom, the least became the greatest, and the greatest became the least. The nobody became somebody, and vice-versa.

So around the holidays, the world is turned upside down. People give to the poor, sing with those they have nothing in common with, stop to consider the things in life that are more important, spend quality time with loved ones, and pray. Sadly, December turns to January, the world turns right-side-up again.

But that doesn’t characterize us. The world does a flip-flop in January because it doesn’t understand the life change that this child called for when he grew up and came back from the grave as Lord.

Our Lord didn’t just turn the month of December upside down, he turned our lives upside down, which is really right-side-up. So when January comes, we appear to be upside-down, when in reality we are right side up.

This is not a holiday change for us, but a life change. This means we are always kind, always concerned for the poor, always loving, always joyful, whether the world is or not.