Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
I hope you find this web page beneficial. The name of this web site reflects its purpose. The Hebrew word,
"qohelet", means something like, "preacher." The purpose of this web site is twofold.
First of all, I want to provide materials to enrich your personal Bible studies and your relationship with God. In order to do this, the Qohelet Web Ministry includes materials such as sermons, essays, bulletin articles, and links to other helpful sites. These include the following:
Second, I want to provide information about myself personally and professionally. My wife and I have always been open to the Lord's leading which has at times resulted in boldly going where no Telgren has gone before. Therefore, we would like to introduce ourselves for possible speaking engagements or other future possibilities the Lord might send our way. Stacey and I have already learned that often times things don't quite work out the way you plan them, so we want to be open to God's lead.
Please browse this site for Bible study resources and to learn more about us. God Bless, and have a great day!
For the joy of the empty tomb,
John D. Telgren
Preacher of the Gospel