Sermon:  Diligence in 2009

Summary:  As we begin a new year, let us remember that God has given us the word of 
truth so that we as his workmen, can be approved by keeping the faith and sharing the 
faith.  To be balanced and healthy, we need to have a balance of both keeping the faith 
and sharing the faith.

Know:  As Christians, we are to both keep the faith and share the faith

Feel:  A desire to draw closer to God and do his desires

Do:  Reflect on what faith means for us as Christians.  List and discuss ways we are to 
be God's "workmen," and the place God's word in our work.  Compare the place of keeping 
the faith and sharing the faith and the balance between the two in your life, and what 
you can do to bring balance between the two.

Text:  1 Tim 2:15

Scripture Reading:  Ps 119:1-6

1.  Welcome to the first Sunday of the year
	a.  New in many ways, some have made resolutions
	b.  Did you hear about the man who made a resolution to lose weight?
		- For the first time in years, he began to step on the scale 
		- Wife watched as he stepped on scale and sucked in his gut
		- With amusement, she said - "Honey, that's not going to work!"
		- He replied - "Sure it will, it is the only way I can see the scale!"
2.  I don't know if you have made resolutions yet
3.  This morning's lesson will aid us in making some resolutions
4.  Text:  1 Tim 2:15 - Tells us to be diligent.  Two ways to be diligent:

I.  By being a diligent workman
	A.  The word workman is the word used for a "laborer"
		1.  When you hear laborer, think of someone who labors
		2.  Every single one of us have work to do for God
	B.  Take a closer look at this passage
		1.  We are to be a "diligent" workman
			a.  Def:  1) Persistent effort, hard working  2) Legal 
			     carefulness - care and attention expected by law - 
			     diligence in fulfilling all terms of a contract
			b.  Synonyms:  Care, attention, earnestness, perseverance, 
			     carefulness, intentness
			c.  Antonyms:  Sloth, laziness, carelessness, apathy, 
			     indifference, lethargy, sluggishness 
			d.  Greek:  Spoudazo - To work very hard, to spare to effort
		2.  We are to be an "approved" workman
			a.  Greek:  Dokimos - approved by testing, tried and true
			b.  Same word in 1 Tim 3:10 - Let these (deacons) be tested
			c.  We need to "demonstrate" our character as workmen
		3.  We are to be workman that are not ashamed
			a.  Why?  Because we have done good work
			b.  We strive for excellence
			c.  It is work we can feel good about
				- Not because it is better than someone else's
				- But because it is our best
				- This is why at LTC we do not compete against each 
				  other, but against a standard -Everyone can get gold
			d.  Would not be ashamed of what we have done
	C.  ILL:  I remember in 6th grade, did a geography unit
		1.  Had to make a salt map of an assigned region
			a.  Had to show rivers, valleys, mountains, etc.
			b.  My assignment - Eastern USA, east of Mississippi River
		2.  I had no idea what is was.  Assumed it was made of salt.
			a.  Night before, I slathered glue on cardboard
			b.  Sprinkled a lot of salt on it till glue covered
			c.  Tried to build up areas were mountains were
			d.  Mess getting it to class, salt kept falling off
		3.  When I saw everyone else's - I wanted to go hide
			a.  Theirs didn't look like it had any salt
			b.  They had colors for rivers, mountains etc.
			c.  I was so ashamed, I was about to hide mine somewhere
			d.  Teacher caught me, saw my face, and complimented me 
			      to try and build me up, but I knew better
		4.  Problem?  I didn't follow the instructions
			a.  An instruction sheet was passed out, I didn't look at it 
			     closely enough
			b.  There was a recipe of flour salt and water to make dough
			c.  It was to be baked after molded
			d.  Had I not rushed through it at last minute, would have 
			     read the instructions and taken time for something to feel 
			     good about
	D.  If we are a diligent, approved workman
		1.  Will not be ashamed, but feel good about what we do
		2.  It involves diligence, it involves careful attentiveness, make sure 
		     we do all we are supposed to
		3.  **It involves handling accurately the word of truth…

II.  Become experts in the word of truth
	A.  Handle accurately the world of truth
		1.  Grk:  orqotomounta - Hard word to translate
			a.  Used only once in the New Testament
			b.  Etymology - ortho - Upright, straight / tomos - A cutting
				- Older Bibles - rightly dividing (as in a straight cut)
				- But what does this mean?
			c.  Outside of the New Testament
				- Word used to describe cutting a straight path/road
				- Used to describe ploughing a straight furrow in field
				- Used to describe a mason cutting a straight stone
			d.  Talking about something straight and true
				- Used in building and farming both
		2.  Context helps us to know what this intends to communicate
			a.  Read with the verse before and the verse after
			b.  Talking about handling the word straight up
			c.  Talking about not getting sidetracked, staying focused
			d.  As you work in the kingdom as his laborers
				- Can only plough straight and true furrow through 
				   word of truth
				- As his builders, can only cut a straight and true 
				  stone through the word of truth
		3.  The word of truth is what defines our faith
			a.  It is what helps us to stay on the straight and narrow way
			b.  It is what keeps us from getting sidetracked
		4.  So what does the word instruct us concerning our faith?
	B.  To sum up, two things 
		1.  Keep the Faith
			a.  (Josh 23:11) - Be diligent to love the Lord your God
				- Greatest commandment is to love God
				- Eph 6:18 - Pray at all times, alert with perseverance 
				  and petition for the saints
			b.  (Prov 4:23) - Self reflection times
				- 2 Pet 3:17-18 - Be on guard, not be carried away by 
				  unprincipled men - Pressure from outsiders
				- People make fun of religious, then say to me, "You a 
				  religious nut?" -I say, "Yes" - Later ask me questions
			c.  (Heb 4:12) - Word is living and active, sharper sword
				- Pierce soul spirit, joints marrow, judge thoughts, 
				  intentions of the heart
				- It shapes your character, your heart, cuts away 
				- Transformation when read, reflect, and act on word
				- ILL:  Minister visited an old lady at her home
					> Noticed a large Bible, asked her about it
					> She bragged that it was over 100 years old, 
				  	   prized family heirloom
					> Minister said - Yes, it not matter what on 
					   outside, but on the inside
					> Agreed - Yes, what on the inside is precious, 
					  irreplaceable, all our family records and dates
			d.  (Jas 2:18-20) - Faith without works is dead
				- The word defines our faith - It is a faith that works
				- We are God's faithful workmen, we work
				- The word helps us keep the work straight and true
		2.  Sharing the Faith
			a.  (Dt 6:4-9) - Teach God's word diligently to your children
			b.  Part of sharing the faith is through acts of service and 
				- Jn 13:15 - Washing feet - I gave you an example 
				   that you should do as I did to you
				- Gal 6:10 - Do good to all men
				- Show people God loves them
				- Gives credibility to your message - the Gospel
			c.  (Phil 1:27) - Strive together for the faith of the Gospel
				- We are so individualistic, think it up to just me
				- But it is the church that is sent
				- When missionary in jungle, church is in the jungle
				- When people knock doors, church is knocking doors
			d.  1 Cor 12 - Church is the body of Christ
				- He is the head, we do his bidding in his mission
				- Everyone has a different function
				- Support overall mission - Sharing the faith 
			e.  Evangelism not mentioned as a spiritual gift, why?  
				- It does not support the mission, it IS the mission
	C.  ILL:  Batsell Barrett Baxter used to tell a parable
		1.  Not given to be negative or critically, but to think
		2.  Owner with large field of grain, harvest time.  
			a.  Must harvest or the crop will be ruined.  
			b.  Goes into town and recruits workers
		3.  Workers arrive, impressed at the crop.  Privilege to harvest it
			a.  Someone points out fence not attractive, so repair it with 
			      stones from creek, now a beautiful fence, ready to work
			b.  But if sun gets hotter, or if rain, we would need shelter, so 
			     build a fine building at corner, beautiful, even put plaque 
			     on it
			c.  Now it is noon, we must eat.  Work diligently, prepared a 
			     wonderful feast worthy of fence and building, then rest
			d.  But, with such a great and worthy challenge, shouldn't we 
			     be better dressed?  So made wonderful garments
			e.  Start to sharpen scythes.  They look old.  Not worthy of 
			     the task, so carve handles into beautiful artwork
			f.  Okay, we are ready for harvest, but it is getting dark, 
			    hardly anyone has cut any grain
		4.  Start back to village, and meet the owner along the way
			a.  Expected shoulders laden with bags of grain
			b.  Instead, he got stories of wonderful accomplishments, a 
			     fence, building, clothes, tools
			c.  But what about the harvest?  That is what you were sent 
			     out to do!
			d.  Hung heads in shame, scythes not look so remarkable, 
			     no signs of work on them
	D.  2 Tim 2:15 - Be diligent to present selves approved to God as 
	      workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the 
	      word of truth
		1.  God has given us everything we need to keep faith and share 
		     the faith
		2.  God strengthens us - But unused strength soon becomes 
		3.  Jimmy Allen used to say - If God can work through Balaam's 
		     donkey, he can work through you too!
Concl:  So make some resolutions
1.  Be a diligent workman for God who does not need to be ashamed
2.  Keep the faith
	a.  Love God, pray, times of reflection
	b.  Stay in the word, so you can be transformed
	c.  Do what the word says as his workman
3.  Share the faith 
	a.  Diligently teach them to your children
	b.  Do as Christ did, be a servant, be compassionate
	c.  Strive together as one for the Gospel
4.  Want to refocus on evangelism this year
	a.  If we want to make excuses, Satan will grant them to us
	b.  Part of "being" the church, of "being" the body of Christ is to fulfill his 
	c.  We can build fences, buildings, sharpen scythes, -- That is all good, but 
	    the next step is the harvest
	d.  Don't accept excuses
5.  I am so glad Jesus didn't make excuses - He said your will, not mine
	a.  He went to the cross, suffered and died
	b.  He loved you so much, he gave himself for you (inv)

Small Group Notes:  Resolutions for 2009

Summary:  As we begin a new year, let us remember that God has given us the word of truth 
so that we as his workmen, can be approved by keeping the faith and sharing the faith.  To 
be balanced and healthy, we need to have a balance of both keeping the faith and sharing the 

- What is the most satisfying project or work you have done?


1.  1 Tim 2:15 - Discuss what "diligence" means in this passage.  How is it expressed?  What 
is necessary to be "diligent?"  etc..

2.  Prov 4:23; 2 Pet 3:17-18 - What are some things diligence involves according to these 
passages?  Why is this important?

3.  Phil 1:27 - Discuss that it means for a congregation to strive together for the faith of 
the Gospel.  How is faith and Gospel connected in daily life?


4.  What are some ways you are to be God's workman?  What is the place of God's word as you 
strive to be his workman?

5.  Discuss and evaluate the balance between keeping the faith and sharing the faith in your 

6.  Identify challenges to being God's workmen in keeping the faith and sharing the faith.  

7.  What are some ways we/you can be more balanced in both keeping the faith and sharing the 
