Title: Adoptions

Purpose: To motivate the hearers to live as Children of God

	1.  Ted & Dawn spencer were dwarfs.  Instead of focusing on their limitations,
	      they made a life-changing decision.  Adopt a childre with greater physical 
	      problems than they had.
		a.  They adopted 4 disabled South Korean & Taiwanese orphans
		b.  Both believed that children will blossom if somebody believes in them,
		     loves them, and encourages them.
	2.  Many of us are or know of someone that has been adopted
	3.  Adoption is the only way to come into God's family
	4.  Text Eph 1:5

I.  What does adoption mean in the New Testament?
	A.  It is connected to God's love - In love, God predstined us to adoption
	B.  But why did Paul use the word "adoption" to express our union with God?
		1.  In ancient times, adoptions were a big event
		2.  When complete, adpoted children gained all rights and priviledges of 
		     the new family AND LOST all rights in the old family.
		3.  In the eyes of the law, the adoptee became a new person
		4.  We ourselves were slaves, but now are free
			a.  John 1:12
			b.  Gal 4:4-5
		5.  So adoption is "deliverance from the past"
	C.  Abe Lincoln bought a slave girl and set her free.  WIth tears, she chose to 
	     stay with him.
	D.  God set you free so you could be his child
		- But what all is entailed in being his child?

II.  The priviledges of adoption
	A.  Fatherly love - In love he predestined us to adoption
		1.  Two rulers by which to measure God's love for us:
			a.  Rom 5:8 - The cross -- "But God demonstrates..."
			b.  I John 3:1 - Sonshipe -- "See how great a love..."
	B.  Sustaining hope
		1.  1:14
		2.  Will have a family reunion
		3.  Song- God's family
	C.  Are there any responsiblities of this adoption for us?

III.  Responsibilities of Adoption
	A.  Jesus lived as he lived because he know who and whose he was
	B.  Knowledge of our Father should change how we live - Sermon on the mount
		1.  We whhould live as children of God (Mt 5:43-45)
		2.  We should pray as children of God (Mt 6:7-9)
		3.  We should trust as children of God (Mt 6:32-33)
	C.  ILL:  Honor the family name by how you live.  
	D.  Do you honor God's name?

	1.  Romans 8:18-19
	2.  Ted and Dawn believed in those children they adopted.  God believes in you 
	     through Jesus Christ
	3.  Whose child are you?