Title: S and H Greenstamps

Purpose: To motivate the hearers to be giving of their resources to others

INTRO:  1.  Story of IRS auditor that cam to audit the poor Christian
	2.  Wouldn't you like to know more about these blessings
	3.  TEXT:  Eph 1:6-8
	4.  Context
Proposition:  As Christians, we are blessed................Where, What How and Why

I.  WHERE - “In Him"
	A.  What does In Him mean
	B.  In Him - Figure of speech meaning someone with an intimate relationship
	C.  ILL:  “I'm a part of you" in a marriage
	D.  How do we get in Him
		1.  Seek Him
		2.  Go to Him
		3.  Please Him

II.  WHAT - Redemption
	A.  Definition?  
		1.  English Synonyms:  Compensate, Substitute, Reinstate, Deliver,
	                 Regain, Restore, Atone, Ransom, Rescue, Recover, Liberate
		2.  Greek - To buy back
		3.  ILL:  S and H Greenstamps	
	B.  Need to go back to the Old Testament concept
		1.  Lev. 25:25 - Property
		2.  Lev. 25:47-48 - Kinsman (eg. Ruth)
		3.  Ex. 21:28-32 - Person forfeits his life, is enslaved (contirbutes to
		     	N.T. understanding of Rom 6, enslaved to sin)
		4.  References to God as Redeemer
			1.  Job 19:25 - “I know that my Redeemer lives"
			2.  Ps 78:34-35 - Wilderness, recognized God as Redeemer
			3.  Is 59:20 - Jesus
	C.  ILL:  Birds in birdcage
	D.  You were redeemed from slavery, with a PRICE (A Great Price)

III.  HOW - Through His Blood
	A.  Contacting His Blood - Wrong concept
	B.   ILL:  Monument at Hinsdale. - gave their blood?  Price of Freedom was: 	 
	C.  Nothing magical about the red stuff, it was the life
		1.  Gave up an aspect of his life, forever - I Cor 15:26-28
		2.  He EMPTIED Himself (Phil. 2:7) for all eternity
	D.  Christ gave up his life, his unique relationship with God, for eternity

IV.  WHY - Grace/ Love
	A.  Riches of His Grace
	B.  Need Grace, Cannot De-Sin a sinner (Grace greater than our sin)
	C.  ILL:  Song:  The Love of God
	D.  God gave us all these blessings because of his love and grace

	1.  So as Christians we are blessed
		a.  In Christ
		b.  With Redemption
		c.  By the Blood
		d.  Because of His Grace

	2.  Grace is a gift.  God expects us to share his gifts
		a.  I Cor 8 - Grace led Macedonians to give in their poverty
		b.  This is usually a lesson in stewardship:
			1.  God redeemed us, bought us with the life and soul of his son
			2.  God gave our lives back to us, as a gift
			3.  He expects us to have the same giving spirit they did
		c.  We can give of our resources:
			1.  Pocketbook, Car, Home, Job
			2.  Wife, Sons, Daughters
			3.  Hands, Ears, Feet, Heart
	3.  Who can you share your gift of Redemption with?  How?