Sermon:  Jesus is Lifted Up

Summary:  Jesus handed over his life in crucifixion so that he could send the 
Spirit and give us life through bring a perfect Passover sacrifice for us.  In 
this, he became the good and righteous conquering King who will shepherd us to 
his eternal kingdom.  Therefore, we need accept him as our Lord and Savior and 
live a life worthy of his name.

Know:  Jesus' sacrifice was by his choice so that he could bring us forgiveness 
and life as a shepherd king.

Feel:  Gratefulness and awe

Do:  Reflect on the magnitude of what Jesus' atoning work and the character he 
demonstrates in doing so.  Discuss the effect and implications it has for our lives.  

Text:   John 19:17-42

Scripture Reading:  John 3:13-18

1.  Jesus said he would be lifted up - No one could have imagined what he meant
	a.  He was lifted up on of all things, a cross!
	b. This could have been a source of embarrassment for Christianity
	c.  Yet, the cross became not a symbol of shame, but of glory and victory
2.  Background of John 19…
	a.  Jesus had declared that
	a.  Jesus prepared his disciples in upper room, he is going away
	b.  Jesus has gone through illegitimate trial among Jews
	c.  Sent him to Pilate to get death penalty
	d.  Pilate tried to get Jesus released, but ultimately gave in	
3.  Text
	a.  (Jn 19:17-25a) - Place of the skull 
		- Latin is calvaria, Wycliffe's trans - Calvary 
	b.  Description of crucifixions (contrary to pictures in Christian art)
		- Usually only for lower classes or political enemies, such as 
		  insurrectionists and terrorists 
		- Romans referred to this as the most offensive and "Most wretched 
		  of deaths"
		- Executioner's goal 
			-- Keep alive as long as possible, sometimes up to 6 days
			-- As much public humiliation as possible, strip naked, at a 
			   public crossroad, etc.
			-- Post crime on a plaque above head
			-- All this as a deterrent to other would be criminals  
		- Methods at the whim of the executioner, so many possibilities, 
		  they became experts
		- Victim usually carried his own cross beam
		- Feet nailed together sideways at the ankle
		- Peg on vertical beam to sit on
		- The nailing is not cause of death, but dehydration, hemorrhaging, 
		   and especially shock
		- Breaking the legs - Cause shock and or hemorrhaging to hasten 
	c.  (Jn 19:25b-30) - Jesus' care for his mother
	d.  (Jn 19:31-42)
		- Jesus already dead, he is in control
		- Breaking of the legs - Contrary to what have heard, it is not to 
		   cause suffocation
			-- This only happen if hung by own weight with arms straight 
			    above, but not if arms out at 60 to 70 degree angle
			-- Not suffocate sitting on pegs
			-- Legs were literally smashed to pieces
		- This was to cause hemorrhaging and shock to hasten death 
4.  It is finished!  What did Jesus finish, what did he accomplish?

I.  Became Source of Life for us
	A.  Remember that in John, have irony and deeper meanings.  Examples:
		1.  2:19 - Destroy this temple and raise it back up in three days
			- Later they understood this to be the temple of his body
		2. 11:49 - Better for one man to die for the nation
			- Irony, Jesus would die for the nation, but not like Caiphas 
	B.  Focus on "I am thirsty"
		1.  Irony is that Jesus is thirsty
			a.  4:13-14 - Whoever drinks of my water, never thirst
			b.  7:37-38 - If thirsty, come to me and drink
			c.  Jesus is the source of living water, of life
				- Will never thirst if go to him and drink 
				- Talking of the Spirit
				- 6:63 - It is the Spirit that give life
			d.  Source of endless springs, rivers of living water is thirsty!
				-  Let that sink in for a moment
				-  How could this be?
		2.  Think about it
			a.  The source of living water became thirsty 
				- So that we could be satisfied
			b.  The bread of life became hungry 
				- So that we could be filled
			c.  He made him who knew no sin to be sin
				- So that we could become righteous
			d.  The source of life is giving up his own life
				- So that we might live
		3.  Gave up, Paradidwmi - Literally - "he handed over His Spirit"
			a.  Shows Jesus was in control
			b.  Also reminds us of the promise of the Spirit
			c.  16:7 - Helper/Spirit will come when He goes away
			d.  Now Jesus "handed over" His Spirit
		4.  v.34 - Pierced Jesus' side, out came blood and water
			a.  Medical doctors, biologists come up with many theories
				- I don’t think John's intent is to give physiology 
				- Perhaps more simple - To show Jesus is really dead
			b.  Blood and water is also an allusion to the Spirit
				- It literally flows from Jesus' body
				- 7:38 - He who believes, from his "belly" will flow 
				  rivers of living water (source is from Jesus)
					-- Was during Tabernacles water ceremony
					-- Remember Moses struck rock Ex 17:6
					-- 1 Cor 10:4 - Paul says Jesus is the rock
			c.  Jesus is the source of the Spirit, of life
	C.  ILL:  True story about Japanese prisoner of war camp
		1.  Dog eat dog mentality, wanted to survive, prisoners stole from 
		     each other to survive
		2.  Angus MiGillivary suddenly died, shocked everyone
			a.  He was a big robust fellow
			b.  Wasn't until they looked deeper that they found out why
		3.  Angus McGillivary had a friend
			a.  His friend was dying
				- Everyone else had given up on him
				- Prisoners had stolen his friends blanket
			b  Angus made sure his friend would not die
				-  Gave him his blanket, told him he came across 
				   another one
				-  Gave him his rations, forced him to eat, said he had 
				   way of getting extra
				-  Did everything he could to keep his friend alive
			c.  As friend regained his health, Angus collapsed and died
		4.  Discovered he died from starvation and exhaustion
			a.  He had given food and shelter to his friend
			b.  Gave everything, even his life
	D.  Jesus had given everything to us so that we could live
		1.  In 381 A.D., Gregory of Nazianus wrote this about Jesus:
			- He began His ministry by being hungry, yet He is the Bread of 
			- Jesus ended His earthly ministry by being thirsty, yet He is the 
				Living Water. 
			- Jesus was weary, yet He is our rest. Jesus paid tribute, yet He 
				is the King. 
			- Jesus was accused of having a demon, yet He cast out demons. 
			- Jesus wept, yet He wipes away our tears. 
			- Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver, yet He redeemed the
			- Jesus was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, yet He is the Good 
			- Jesus died, yet by His death He destroyed the power of death. 
		2.  Jesus sacrificed for himself what we needed
		3.  He became the source of life for us

II.  Became our Passover
	A.  John the Baptist introduced him as the "Lamb of God takes away the 
	      sins of the world"
	B.  Several poetic allusions
		1.  All of this is happening during Passover season
			a.  Each of the Gospels mentions eating in the upper room
			b.  None mention the Passover lamb
			c.  Emphasis is on the true lamb, Jesus Christ
		2.  v.24 - Quoted from a Psalm of the righteous sufferer
			a.  (Ps 22:12-18) - They divide my garments
			b.  Jesus is the ultimate righteous sufferer
			c.  Passover lamb was to be without blemish - Jesus was
		3.  Soldier did not break Jesus' legs, was already dead
			a.  v.36 - Not a bone of him shall be broken
			b.  Quoted from Ex 12:46
				- Reference to the Passover lamb
				- Had to be without blemish, no broken bones
			c.  Jesus is the Passover Lamb
		4.  The description of blood and water flowing from his side
			a.  Picture what a sacrifice would have looked like
				- I used to work for IBP, a pork processing plant
				- They would slit the throat, and blood gushed out
				- Common sight in sacrifice, slit animal, blood flow
				- Jesus blood flowed, a reminder of shedding of blood 
				  for sacrifice
			b.  Also Heb 9:19-22 - Water and blood on book and people
				- Behold, the blood of the covenant
				- All things cleansed with blood
				- Without shedding of blood, no forgiveness
			c.  But now, Jesus sheds his own blood for us, new covenant
			d.  We are cleansed, and we Passover from death to life
	C.  ILL:  Robert Coleman tells story of a brother and sister Johnny & Mary
		1.  Mary was sick, and needed a transfusion, Johnny a match
		2.  Asked Johnny if he would give his blood to Mary
			a.  Johnny's lip quivered, face turned white, then smiled, - 
			     Sure, I'll do it for my sister
			b.  Wheeled him in across from sister, smiled at her
			c.  Watched blood go out of tube, sister went from being pale 
			     to robust looking and full of color
			d  Ordeal nearly over, he asked with a small shaky voice, 
			    "Doctor, when do I die?"
		3.  Doctor realized why Johnny's lip quivered and he hesitated 
			- Johnny thought giving his blood meant giving his life
			- Johnny had decided to give his life for his sister
	D.  Jesus shed his blood for us, and he did give his life
		1.  We have forgiveness of sins which separated us from God
		2.  We can now live in covenant with God, a covenant of grace
		3.  Jesus became our passover

III.  Became the King
	A.  Jesus is a king like no other, he is the king of Kings
	B.  People don't always think of theme of kingship here, but it is there
		1.  Pilate inscription
			a.  Puzzled as to why Pilate did this 
				- Did Pilate really think Jesus was king, and refused to 
				   post a lie?  If so, he not brave enough to let him go.
				- Was this to get back at the Jews for backing him in a 
				   corner and condemn and innocent man?
			b. Irony - It meant as a criminal charge, but it was true
			c.  In being true, another irony - In three major languages
				- Jesus is not just King of the Jews
				- Jesus is Universal King, Jesus is Lord
		2.  Manner of his burial
			a.  Ultimate humiliation would have been to remain on the 
			     cross to decompose and be picked at by birds
				- But Jews could not have this on a high day
				- But Jesus didn't get just an ordinary burial
			b.  Got a tomb with a rolling stone in a garden
				- Rich and wealthy had the rolling stones, not poor
				- Garden tombs were sites of wealthy and royal tombs
					-- Examples -  2 King 21:18, 26
			c. 100 pounds of spices
				- This a HUGE lavish amount
				- Reminiscent of royal burials
			d.  Jesus received what amounted to a royal burial, not a 
			     pauper's or criminal's one
		3.  Phil 2:6-11 - Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ
			a.  Emptied himself, started as bond servant
			b.  God exalted him, at the name of Jesus every knee bow
		4.  (Rev 19:11-17) God has truly exalted Christ
			a.  Many crowns on his head
			b.  Leads the armies of Heaven
			c.  King of King and Lord of Lords
			d.  He is the just king and the conquering king
	C.  Jesus is not like any other king - He said that he is the good shepherd
		1.  He is a the shepherd king who laid down his life for us
		2.  He humbled himself, emptied himself, became a bond servant
		3.  Became flesh, lived among us, identified with us even in our sin
		4.  He knew no sin, yet God made him to be sin so that we can 
		     become the righteousness of God
	D.  The King is coming back
		1.  He will take us home to his eternal kingdom
			a.  No more weeping, dying, sickness, or death
			b.  All things will be new
		2.  But for others, they will be judged
			a.  Their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and 
			b.  They will be away from the presence of the Lord

1.  Don't you want to be ready when the king comes?
	a.  He provided a way you can be
	b.  He is the source of life, the Passover lamb
2.  Some find this offensive.  D.M. Stearns was preaching in Philadelphia. 
	1.  Afterwards, conversation with a stranger
		a.  Stranger said, "I don't like the way you spoke about the cross. 
		    I think that instead of emphasizing the death of Christ, better to 
		     preach Jesus, the teacher and example." 
		b.  Stearns replied, "If I presented Christ in that way, would you be 
		      willing to follow Him?"   
		c.  Stranger said, "I certainly would," 
		d.  Stearns said, "All right then, let's take the first step. He did no 
		      sin. Can you claim that for yourself?" 
	2.  The man was taken aback. "Why, no," he said. 
	3.  Stearns replied "Then your greatest need is to have a Savior, not an 
	4.  What about you?  Do you need a savior?
		a.  Rom 3:23 - All have sinned
		b.  Isa 59:2 - Sins separated you from God
		c.  Jesus died for our sins
		d.  Sins taken away when we obey the Gospel.  Have you? (inv)
3.  If you have already done this, consider this (1 Cor 5:6-8)
	a.  Do you have any old leaven to be cleaned out?
	b.  Old leaven includes a lot of things
		- Malice, wickedness
		- Sexual immorality, internet pornography, filthy speech
		- Envy, strife, anger, abusive speech, lying, greed, and pride
		- Good to "inspect your house for leaven" from time to time
	c.  We need to celebrate with the unleavened bread
		- Sincerity, truth, faithfulness, kindness, humility, patience, 
		   gentleness, perseverance
		- Above all this, love with binds it all together

Small Group Questions:  Jesus is Lifted Up

Summary:  Jesus handed over his life in crucifixion so that he could send the Spirit 
and give us life through bring a perfect Passover sacrifice for us.  In this, he became 
the good and righteous conquering King who will shepherd us to his eternal kingdom.  
Therefore, we need accept him as our Lord and Savior and live a life worthy of his name.

Open:  (choose one)
- When you were punished for something you didn't do, how did it feel?
- What was a very important event you have witnessed?

Explore:  (Jn 19:17-42)

1.  According to the sign on the cross written in three languages, what was the "official" 
reason Jesus was crucified?  What was the irony of this situation?

2.  What things does this text reveal about the character of Jesus?  What does the fact that 
Jesus "gave up" his Spirit say about him?  

3.  Why is it significant that Jesus' legs were not broken?

4.  The amount of spices for Jesus' embalming was lavish, and the tomb he was laid in was 
that of a wealthy person and not a pauper.  What does this treatment of Jesus in his burial 
seem to indicate about him?   

5.  Jesus is "lifted up" in a way that would have been surprising to the Jews (John 3:13-18).  
How does he re-define glory?


6.  Reflect on the full magnitude of what Jesus has done.  He was the word become flesh, and 
now he lays down his life on a cross.   What is your reaction to this?

7.  How should the cross be a symbol of glory (and not shame) for you?  How should the cross 
affect your attitudes and your outlook on life?

8.  What does God seem to be communicating to you through this passage?

9.  What is God calling you to do?
