Title: Handling Disagreements in the Body
Purpose: To help Christians to resovle differences openly

Intro:	1.  Memory verse, child said “Go preach the gossip to all creation”
	2.  The Bible has no command to talk about each other, absence is deafening
	3.  Church struggles usually have very little to do with doctrine, but with personal
	4.  Fortunately the Bible gives us guidelines on how to handle dissagreements
	5.  How? 

I.  First, remember who you are
	A.  Lion King - “Remember who you are” - therefore face up to the challenge
		1.  Only when you remember who you are can you effectively face challenges
		2.  Remembering who you are changes how you act
	B.  Christian Identity (who are you)
		1.  Matt 5:13-16 - You are the salt of the earth
			a.  A lot of salt is used for preservative, and it makes you thirsty
			b.  KFC recipe, only salt and pepper.  There are the secret ingredients!
			c.  A little salt brings out the good flavor of food (salt has attraction) 
			d.  Do you bring out the best or worst in people is resolving conflict 
		2.  Rom 6:17-18, 22 - Slaves of Righteousness
			a.  Slaves don’t worry about “rights”
			b.  Ambition to please him (2 Cor 5:9) (not ourself)
			c.  ILL:  Joseph, "you meant it for evil, God meant it for good"
		3.  Eph 5:22-29 - Bride of Christ
			a.  Christ died for his bride and nourishes and cherishes it
			b.  It is precious to Christ, don’t mistreat his bride
		4.  I Peter 2:4-5 - Bricks
			a.  ILL:  Man steal bricks from the pile, not from half constructed house.  
			      Why?  The bricks on house are held together by a common mortar
			b.  We are not an organization - just a pile of bricks that come together
			      we are an organism, bonded together
			c.  Problem is when we don’t want the mortar, and don’t consider our brothers
			d.  If you reject the mortar which binds, YOU REJECT CHRIST
		5.  Rom 12:3-5 - Body, Members of one another
			a.  I Cor 12:20-25 - Cannot say do not need each other
				-Like brick wall, one missing weakens it
				-Brick may look different, may stand out sore thumb, but God put it
			b.  If part of body is festering, you don’t ignore it
			c.  I have bad feet - but they are the only feet I have
	C. Do you reflect who you are in dissagreements?

II.  Remember who he or she is
	A.  I John 1:6-7 - He is your brother or sister
		1.  Relationship to God tied to brother
		2.  Blood cleanses you when relationship to God AND your brother is right
		3.  I John 4:7-8, 20-21 - If you don’t love your brother, you don’t know God
	B.  I Cor 6:19-20 - Temple of the Holy Spirit
		1.  You are not your own, you are bought with a price
		2.  God lives in your brother, does it show in how you treat him?
		3.  Made in the Image of God and remade in the image of God (don’t mistreat)
	C.  He/she is not the enemy
		1.  Enemy is Satan
		2.  Eph 6:17 - Struggle not flesh blood, rulers, powers, world forces of darkness
		3.  Attack the problem, not your brother

III.  Remember who you are and take the challenge

	A.  What not to do:
		1.  Don’t preach the gossip to all creation (tongue is poison and fire for the body)
		2.  Don’t Lash out and try to get back (want to heal the body, not wound it)
		3.  Hold a Grudge (UNFORGIVABLE SIN IS NOT FORGIVING Mt 6:14-15)
		4.  Expect the preacher to handle it all for you
		5.  Nothing

	B.  What to do:
		1.  James 5:16 - Confess & pray === I John 5:14-16 - PRAY FOR THEM
		2.  Go to them:  Matt 18:15-17 - In the context of forgiveness 
		3.  Go to them:  Matt 5:22-24 - Don’t wait for him to come to you
			-Doesn’t matter WHO is in the wrong, go and straighten it out
			-You cannot worship God acceptably if you let it go
		4.  Gal 6:1 - Be gentle (look at context 5:26-6:3 - be humble, swallow pride)
			-Remember purpose to restore and win  brother back
			-Look to own self (point finger, three pointing right back at you)
			-Lest you be tempted (can wind up being just as wrong if not careful)
		5.  I Peter 5:5 - Clothe self with humility toward one another, God opposed to proud
			-Means you swallow your pride and go to your brother
			-Means to say “I’m sorry”
		6.  Eph 4:1-3 - Diligent (every effort) preserve unity of spirit... 
		7.  Rom 14:19-20 - Do not insist on your “rights”
		8.  Rom 12:10 - NKJV - Be kindly affectionate
			-Give preference - means you don’t go to vent, but to listen
			-ILL:  Woman with Gun at store, went to wrong car and told them to get out
			-That’s what happens when you storm in and don’t really listen 
		9.  I Peter 5:14 - Greet with kiss of love (Rom 16:16; I Cor 16:20; 2 Cor 13:12; I Th 5:26)
		10.  Heb 10:24 - Consider one another (not self) how to stimulate to beautiful
			-Salt principle all over again - bring out the best in your brother

1.  Resolving difference requires remembering who you are:  Salt, Slave, Bride, Brick and Body
2.  Requires remembering who the other person is:  Your brother, Temple, not the enemy
3.  Requires takeing the challenge in the appropriate way
	a.  Go, regardless of who is in the wrong
	b.  Be gentle and humble
	c.  Be ready to forgive
	d.  Be ready to say I’m sorry
	e.  Be affectionate (touch each other)
4.  Remember, you cannot be right with God knowing your brother is not right with you
5.  It doesn’t matter who wronged who, if their is a problem you need to take the initiative
6.  Remember we are all going to the same place
7.  Don’t let dissagreements take mind of the goal, settle them and lets get on with our journey