The Blessing of Motherhood
John D. Telgren

Many children have great aspirations in life. The closer they get to graduation, the more many of them think about what they want to be in the next phase of their life. Many will go on to college. Many will begin a military career. Some will go to a trade school. Typically, the next phase will involve some sort of training.

Then comes the real job. The career. An accountant. A teacher. A manager. A technician. A pilot. A programmer. There are many exciting things in life that kids aspire to.

What if a young female said her greatest aspiration in life was to be a mother? How would people react to this? Would she receive ridicule? Would they say she has no aspirations? Would she have no future? No reward or accomplishment to look forward to? Would they see her as an intellectual dwarf? Would she be characterized as having no ambition? Of being lazy? Would they say she does not have lofty goals in life?

Far from the truth. Contrary to what many have tried to get us to buy into, nothing is as ambitious or as lofty as the desire to be a mother. Many people fail to see the importance of motherhood and consequently fail to honor it. The success or failure of motherhood has a profound effect not only on the future of individual lives, but on the future of the country, and the future of the world. Who has a greater impact on children than their mother?

You are blessed in so many ways mothers. God’s creation was not complete until he created the woman. Our families are not complete without you. You are the crowning act of God’s creation. You are his finest work. You exhibit the beauty of God. Thank God for you.

Mothers, here are some of the ways you are blessed:
1. You have the greatest impact (2 Tim 1:5)
2. You reflect God's Character (Isa 49:15-16)
3. You have a reward (1 Tim 2:15)